A Bug involving MethodHandles, Nestmates, Reflection and @CallerSensitive

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed Dec 9 00:16:52 UTC 2020

On 12/8/20 5:07 AM, Johannes Kuhn wrote:
> On 08-Dec-20 5:40, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> Thanks David.  I was about to create one.
>> This is indeed a gap in injecting this trampoline class for 
>> supporting @CallerSensitive methods.  The InjectedInvoker ensures 
>> that the InjectedInvoker class has the same class loader as the 
>> lookup class.  W.r.t. your patch, it seems okay but I have to 
>> consider and think through the security implication carefully.
>> You mentioned "Some old software loves to set static final fields 
>> through reflection" - can you share some example libraries about 
>> this?   This is really ugly hack!!
>> Mandy 
> Not sure if I read this correctly as "please share some example of 
> code that tries to do that" or "please share code that you write to 
> fix that".
> So I do both.

I was curious to find out what old software attempts to change static 
final fields via reflection and why they do that.   This leads to 
various unpredictable issues.   Looks like you want to get old software 
to work and have to hack their static final fields!!

> Setting static final fields does not work [1]. It probably never 
> really did. It usually seems to work - but there is no guarantee that 
> it actually does (like undefined behavior).

Field::setXXX will throw IAE on static final fields and non-static 
fields declared on a record or hidden class too.

> JPEXS [2] for example used that for it's configuration.
> Also some old Minecraft Forge version (a Minecraft mod loader / mod 
> API) depends on this. Example use [3], but they do really ugly things.
> So, I said I develop agents to get old stuff running on a current Java 
> version.
> Why? Fun, I guess. I also learn a lot a about what are the main 
> comparability problems with newer Java versions.
> Pros of writing an agent:
> * I don't need the source code.
> * I don't need to setup a build environment with all dependencies, 
> lombok and who knows what else is required.
> In all, it's faster for me. And I then have a list of problems - and 
> how they can be solved. I did publish my JPESX agent here [4].
> But yeah, it's an ugly hack.
> For the nestmate security consideration, the following invariants 
> should already hold:
> * To call a @CallerSensitive method, the Lookup needs to have full 
> privilege access (Lookup.hasFullPrivilegeAccess())
> -> Injected Invokers are only created for full privilege lookups.
> * The injected invoker is in the same runtime package and has the same 
> protection domain.
> * It is already possible to obtain a Lookup for the injected invoker 
> by calling MethodHandles.lookup() through a MethodHandle (yikes) [5].

I am concerned with this.  I am inclined to say we need to fix 
JDK-8013527 if we fix this issue.

> This means, we only have to consider what additional privileges the 
> injected invoker gets if it is also a nestmate of the lookup class.
> I don't see any problem with that, as you already have a full 
> privilege lookup when the injected invoker is created.
> - Johannes
> PS.: JDK-8013527 is mildly related - as the @CallerSensitive methods 
> in java.lang.reflect are "hyper-sensitive".

This fix will get JDK-8013527 passed the IAE but the lookup class of the 
resulting Lookup object is the hidden class which is still incorrect.


> [1]: 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gist.github.com/DasBrain/25c6738610c517ee375aacc86ffebd0c__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!IRaER_1fNHPfhaN4erhar7ZMzL5yVGyoWGcH2FS_SMH23wknQghpz2amisGRByQ4Yg$ 
> [2]: 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/akx/jpexs-decompiler/blob/6c998254b9d5bdce80be1b92d34836820ee31a1d/libsrc/ffdec_lib/src/com/jpexs/decompiler/flash/configuration/Configuration.java*L869__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!IRaER_1fNHPfhaN4erhar7ZMzL5yVGyoWGcH2FS_SMH23wknQghpz2amisHSLG47fg$ 
> [3]: 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.12/dev/src/main/java/team/chisel/common/init/ChiselBlocks.java*L18__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!IRaER_1fNHPfhaN4erhar7ZMzL5yVGyoWGcH2FS_SMH23wknQghpz2amisHY5Ta7RQ$ 
> [4]: 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/DasBrain/jpex/tree/master/src/pw/dasbrain/jpexs/agent__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!IRaER_1fNHPfhaN4erhar7ZMzL5yVGyoWGcH2FS_SMH23wknQghpz2amisEYiprE4w$ 
> [5]: 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gist.github.com/DasBrain/142cb8ef9cc16e7469ac519790119e07__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!IRaER_1fNHPfhaN4erhar7ZMzL5yVGyoWGcH2FS_SMH23wknQghpz2amisEC0fauqw$ 

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