RFR [15/java.xml] 8248884: Regression caused by the update to BCEL 6.0

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Mon Jul 6 23:55:39 UTC 2020

On 7/6/20 4:37 PM, huizhe.wang at oracle.com wrote:
> Please refer to the previous review for 8248348. This patch should have been 
> pushed into 15 in the first place. I hope a merge with 16 repo won't cause any 
> trouble/conflict.
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8248884
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk15/8248884/webrev/

OK, looks good. Remember to push the backport changeset using the main bug ID, 
which in this case is JDK-8248348.

Also, we usually rely on the hgupdater to create the backport record 
automatically. You've already created backport record JDK-8248884, so just leave 
it there in case the hgupdater reuses it. However, if for some reason hgupdater 
decides to create a *new* backport, then close this one out as Not An Issue or 



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