RFR: 8222000: JFR: Process start event

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Thu Mar 5 14:27:59 UTC 2020

Hi Erik,

Would the event be more useful if the executable arg[0] was a separate 
field from the arguments?
Though I exect it depends on what is later evaluating the event fields.

If all of cmdarrray is being joined, then the event field name is more 
called 'command';  similar to the single arg form of Runtime.exec and 
new ProcessBuilder(...).

A small point but the joining with ' ' space has the usual problem of 
trying to parse out the arguments later.
using ',' comma might be less ambiguous.  (and Arrays.toString).

Otherwise, looks fine to me.

Is there already a Process exited event? Its not quite as convenient to 
instrument but useful if it captures the exit status. (ProcessImpl - 
Windows and Linux versions).


On 3/5/20 9:10 AM, Erik Gahlin wrote:
> Hi
> Could I have review of a JFR event that is emitted when a process is 
> started from Java.
> Bug:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222000
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~egahlin/8222000/
> Testing:
> tier1,tier2 + jdk/jdk/jfr
> Thanks
> Erik

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