jpackage Linux rpath [EXTERNAL]
Auclair, Andrew
aauclair at
Thu Mar 5 19:25:21 UTC 2020
Yes. I talked to a coworker and realized I glossed over that part. We run jpackage to create an application image and then use InstallBuilder to create an installer. We have 6 Java applications and dozens of C++ applications that all go into one big installer.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexey Semenyuk <alexey.semenyuk at>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 2:03 PM
To: Auclair, Andrew <aauclair at>; core-libs-dev at
Subject: Re: jpackage Linux rpath [EXTERNAL]
Thank you for sharing!
As far as I can see you use jpackage to create application image. I think your solution is optimal for this scenario.
- Alexey
On 3/5/2020 1:57 PM, Auclair, Andrew wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> Thanks for the response! I think we will continue to do what we're doing now because it works just fine and is pretty simple.
> If anyone d is interested, this is how we do it: We run everything through a doLast in our build.gradle file and run an exec {} for jpackage and then if we're on linux we run another exec {} for patchelf.
> exec {
> def icon
> executable "${System.env.JAVA_HOME}/bin/jpackage"
> if (OperatingSystem.current().isLinux()) {
> icon = "Example.png"
> }
> else {
> icon = " Example.ico"
> }
> args = ["--type", "app-image", "--icon", icon, "--input",
> "build/libs", "--dest", "build/install/tmp", "--name", " Example ",
> "--main-class", "com.example", "--main-jar", " Example.jar"] } if (OperatingSystem.current().isLinux()) {
> exec {
> executable "patchelf"
> args = ["--force-rpath", "--set-rpath", "\$ORIGIN", "../build/install/Example "]
> }
> }
> Thanks Again,
> Andrew
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexey Semenyuk <alexey.semenyuk at>
> Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 1:51 PM
> To: Auclair, Andrew <aauclair at>;
> core-libs-dev at
> Subject: Re: jpackage Linux rpath [EXTERNAL]
> Hi Andrew,
> jpackage is providing similar functionality as javapackager, so I think you need to keep using patchelf with jpackage as you used it with javapackager.
> I assume you use jpackage in two phases. The first phase creates application image and you use patchelf on launchers created by jpackage and then in the second phase you pack application image with modified launchers into rpm/deb package.
> If this is the case and you would benefit from running jpackage in one phase, then I can think of adding to jpackage ability to run 3rd party script after application image creation. In this case you will need to create shell script using patchelf, place the script in resource directory so that jpackage can run the script after application image is created but before building rpm/deb package.
> - Alexey
> On 3/5/2020 9:42 AM, Auclair, Andrew wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are in the process of upgrading to jpackage in Java 14 from javapackager in Java 10. So far the transition has been smooth and we're really liking jpackage.
>> One question has come up regarding our Linux install. Currently we are using Patchelf on CentOS to set an rpath for the executables generated by javapackager. We have continued this with jpackage, but we were wondering if there's a way to set the rpath with jpackage to avoid using Patchelf.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew Auclair
>> Software Engineer
>> Tactical Communications Group
>> A Curtiss-Wright Company
>> 2 Highwood Drive, Building 2, Suite 200 Tewksbury, MA 01876-1157
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