RFR 15 (S): 8245068: Implement Deprecation of RMI Activation

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Thu May 28 17:34:02 UTC 2020

I've updated the webrev a little bit in response to previous comments:


I've also drafted a CSR request and a release note. Please review:



Release Note:




On 5/26/20 12:35 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here's the implementation of the recently-posted JEP 385, deprecation of RMI 
> Activation for removal.
> I'm listing this as S ("small") since conceptually it's fairly small, though 
> there are rather a large number of files changed. Essentially the changes are:
>   - java.rmi.activation package spec: add deprecation warning
>   - java.rmi module spec: link to activation package spec
>   - java.rmi.activation public classes and interfaces: deprecate
>   - various other files: suppress warnings
>   - Activation.java: have the rmid tool emit a deprecation warning
>   - rmid.properties: localized warning message
> Webrev:
>      http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8245068/webrev.0/
> Bug ID:
>      https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8245068
> JEP:
>      http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/385
> Thanks,
> s'marks

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