RFR: 8246152: Improve String concat bootstrapping

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Fri May 29 16:47:03 UTC 2020

Hi Rémi,

thanks for looking at this and suggesting some improvements!

On 2020-05-29 17:51, Remi Forax wrote:
> Hi Claes,
> For the code below the comment "Mock the recipe to reuse the concat generator code",
> i believe you can use String.repeat() that was introduced recently.


> The code that parse the the receipe can be in its own method to make the code more readable,
> this method returns the list and use the StringBuilder internally.


> In generateMHInlineCopy,
>    element.get(0) and element.get(1) should be stored in local variables after "elements.size() == 2"
>    will make the code more readable


> In simpleConcat(),
>    should use a local variable 'mh', like the newString or newArrayWithSuffix



Re-running tier1


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