Integrated: 8180352: Add Stream.toList() method

Stuart Marks smarks at
Mon Nov 30 19:41:03 UTC 2020

On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 01:33:32 GMT, Stuart Marks <smarks at> wrote:

> This change introduces a new terminal operation on Stream. This looks like a convenience method for Stream.collect(Collectors.toList()) or Stream.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()), but it's not. Having this method directly on Stream enables it to do what can't easily by done by a Collector. In particular, it allows the stream to deposit results directly into a destination array (even in parallel) and have this array be wrapped in an unmodifiable List without copying.
> In the past we've kept most things from the Collections Framework as implementations of Collector, not directly on Stream, whereas only fundamental things (like toArray) appear directly on Stream. This is true of most Collections, but it does seem that List is special. It can be a thin wrapper around an array; it can handle generics better than arrays; and unlike an array, it can be made unmodifiable (shallowly immutable); and it can be value-based. See John Rose's comments in the bug report:
> This operation is null-tolerant, which matches the rest of Streams. This isn't specified, though; a general statement about null handling in Streams is probably warranted at some point.
> Finally, this method is indeed quite convenient (if the caller can deal with what this operation returns), as collecting into a List is the most common stream terminal operation.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 41dbc139
Author:    Stuart Marks <smarks at>
Stats:     445 lines in 8 files changed: 358 ins; 42 del; 45 mod

8180352: Add Stream.toList() method

Reviewed-by: psandoz



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