RFR: 8156071: List.of: reduce array copying during creation

Stuart Marks smarks at openjdk.java.net
Fri Oct 2 19:41:38 UTC 2020

On Thu, 1 Oct 2020 06:26:39 GMT, Martin Grigorov <github.com+232002+martin-g at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Plumb new internal static factory method to trust the array passed in, avoiding unnecessary copying. JMH results for
>> the benchmark show about 15% improvement for the cases that were optimized, namely the 3 to 10 fixed arg cases.
>> # VM options: -verbose:gc -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xms4g -Xmx4g --enable-preview -verbose:gc -XX:+UsePara
>> llelGC -Xms4g -Xmx4g -Xint
>> # Warmup: 5 iterations, 1 s each
>> # Measurement: 5 iterations, 2 s each
>> WITHOUT varargs optimization:
>> Benchmark         Mode  Cnt     Score     Error   Units
>> ListArgs.list00  thrpt   15  6019.539 ± 144.040  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list01  thrpt   15  1985.009 ±  40.606  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list02  thrpt   15  1854.812 ±  17.488  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list03  thrpt   15   963.866 ±  10.262  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list04  thrpt   15   908.116 ±   6.278  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list05  thrpt   15   848.607 ±  16.701  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list06  thrpt   15   822.282 ±   8.905  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list07  thrpt   15   780.057 ±  11.214  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list08  thrpt   15   745.295 ±  19.204  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list09  thrpt   15   704.596 ±  14.003  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list10  thrpt   15   696.436 ±   4.914  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list11  thrpt   15   661.908 ±  11.041  ops/ms
>> WITH varargs optimization:
>> Benchmark         Mode  Cnt     Score    Error   Units
>> ListArgs.list00  thrpt   15  6172.298 ± 62.736  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list01  thrpt   15  1987.724 ± 45.468  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list02  thrpt   15  1843.419 ± 10.693  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list03  thrpt   15  1126.946 ± 30.952  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list04  thrpt   15  1050.440 ± 17.859  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list05  thrpt   15   999.275 ± 23.656  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list06  thrpt   15   948.844 ± 19.615  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list07  thrpt   15   897.541 ± 15.531  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list08  thrpt   15   853.359 ± 18.755  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list09  thrpt   15   826.394 ±  8.284  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list10  thrpt   15   779.231 ±  4.104  ops/ms
>> ListArgs.list11  thrpt   15   650.888 ±  3.948  ops/ms
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/access/SharedSecrets.java line 88:
>> 86:         if (javaUtilCollectionAccess == null) {
>> 87:             try {
>> 88:                 Class.forName("java.util.ImmutableCollections$Access", true, null);
> How does this work ? It attempts to load this class but `javaUtilCollectionAccess` is never assigned to a new value.
> **Update**: I just noticed this is the getter.

Yeah the SharedSecrets stuff is pretty twisted


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/449

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