RFR: 8227745: Enable Escape Analysis for Better Performance in the Presence of JVMTI Agents [v3]

Richard Reingruber rrich at openjdk.java.net
Tue Oct 6 14:09:13 UTC 2020

On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 13:57:26 GMT, Richard Reingruber <rrich at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> The minor updates in response to my comments are fine.
>>> The more major updates ... I can't really comment on.
>> Thanks for looking at the changes and for giving feedback.
> Hi Serguei,
> thanks for providing feedback! I've pushed the changes based on it now but I
> have not yet merged master again. This needs a little work...
> Please find my replies to your comments below.
> Thanks, Richard.
>> Could you consider to place the classes EscapeBarrier and JvmtiDeferredUpdates
>> into theyr own .hpp/.cpp files? The class JvmtiDeferredUpdates would be better
>> to put into the folder 'prims' then.
> Done. In addition I moved preexisting class jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet and
> class jvmtiDeferredLocalVariable from runtime/vframe_hp.hpp to
> prims/jvmtiDeferredUpdates.hpp. Please let me know if not ok.
>> src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp:
>> ```
>> @@ -1091,11 +1091,11 @@
>>  bool PhaseMacroExpand::eliminate_allocate_node(AllocateNode *alloc) {
>>    // Don't do scalar replacement if the frame can be popped by JVMTI:
>>    // if reallocation fails during deoptimization we'll pop all
>>    // interpreter frames for this compiled frame and that won't play
>>    // nice with JVMTI popframe.
>> -  if (!EliminateAllocations || JvmtiExport::can_pop_frame() || !alloc->_is_non_escaping) {
>> +  if (!EliminateAllocations || !alloc->_is_non_escaping) {
>>      return false;
>>    }
>> ```
>> I wonder if the comment is still correct after you removed the check for JvmtiExport::can_pop_frame().
> Good catch. I fixed it previously with
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/119/commits/18dd54b4e6f17ca723e4ae1a1e8dc57e81878dd3
>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/deoptimization.hpp:
>> ```
>> +  EscapeBarrier(JavaThread* calling_thread, JavaThread* deoptee_thread, bool barrier_active)
>> +    : _calling_thread(calling_thread), _deoptee_thread(deoptee_thread),
>> +      _barrier_active(barrier_active && (JVMCI_ONLY(UseJVMCICompiler) NOT_JVMCI(false)
>> +                      COMPILER2_PRESENT(|| DoEscapeAnalysis)))
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> +
>> +  // Revert ea based optimizations for all java threads
>> +  EscapeBarrier(JavaThread* calling_thread, bool barrier_active)
>> +    : _calling_thread(calling_thread), _deoptee_thread(NULL),
>> ```
>> Nit: would better to make the parameter deoptee_thread to be the 3rd to better mach the seconf constructor.
> I have shuffled the parameters and moved barrier_active at first position. Would
> that be ok?
>> ```
>> +  bool all_threads()    const { return _deoptee_thread == NULL; }            // Should revert optimizations for all
>> threads. +  bool self_deopt()     const { return _calling_thread == _deoptee_thread; } // Current thread deoptimizes
>> its own objects. +  bool barrier_active() const { return _barrier_active; }                    // Inactive barriers are
>> created if no local objects can escape. ```
>> I'd suggest to put comments in a line before function definitions as it is done for other declarations/definitions.
> Done. // Note that there are quite a few locations with the comment on the same line ;)
>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/deoptimization.cpp:
>> ```
>>  @@ -349,12 +408,12 @@
>>    // Now that the vframeArray has been created if we have any deferred local writes
>>    // added by jvmti then we can free up that structure as the data is now in the
>>    // vframeArray
>> -  if (thread->deferred_locals() != NULL) {
>> -    GrowableArray<jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet*>* list = thread->deferred_locals();
>> +  if (JvmtiDeferredUpdates::deferred_locals(thread) != NULL) {
>> +    GrowableArray<jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet*>* list = JvmtiDeferredUpdates::deferred_locals(thread);
>>      int i = 0;
>>      do {
>>        // Because of inlining we could have multiple vframes for a single frame
>>        // and several of the vframes could have deferred writes. Find them all.
>>        if (list->at(i)->id() == array->original().id()) {
>> @@ -365,13 +424,14 @@
>>        } else {
>>          i++;
>>        }
>>      } while ( i < list->length() );
>>      if (list->length() == 0) {
>> -      thread->set_deferred_locals(NULL);
>> -      // free the list and elements back to C heap.
>> -      delete list;
>> +      JvmtiDeferredUpdates* updates = thread->deferred_updates();
>> +      thread->set_deferred_updates(NULL);
>> +      // free deferred updates.
>> +      delete updates;
>>      }
>> ```
>> It is not clear why the 'list' is not deleted anymore. If it is intentional then could you, please, add a comment with
>> an explanation?
> 'list' is now embedded in JvmtiDeferredUpdates. It es deleted as part of the
> JvmtiDeferredUpdates instance when there are no more deferred updates.
> class JvmtiDeferredUpdates : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
>   [...]
>   // Deferred updates of locals, expressions, and monitors
>   GrowableArray<jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet*> _deferred_locals_updates;
>   [...]
> };
> I introduced JvmtiDeferredUpdates because this patch introduces a new type of
> deferred update: _relock_count_after_wait.
> I tried to improve the encapsulation of class JvmtiDeferredUpdates and
> simplified the location you are referring to.
> So when is memory for deferred updates freed?
> (A) Deferred local variable updates are deleted when the compiled target frame is
>     replaced with corresponding interpreter frames.
>     See JvmtiDeferredUpdates::delete_updates_for_frame().
> (B) A thread's JvmtiDeferredUpdates instance is deleted if all updates where
>     delivered. All updates where delivered when JvmtiDeferredUpdates::count()
>     returns 0. This is checked whenever updates are delivered. See call sites in
>     JvmtiDeferredUpdates::delete_updates_for_frame() and
>     JvmtiDeferredUpdates::get_and_reset_relock_count_after_wait().
> (C) Besides (B) a thread's JvmtiDeferredUpdates instance is also deleted when
>     the thread is destroyed. All not yet delivered updates are deleted then
>     too. See JavaThread::~JavaThread() and JvmtiDeferredUpdates::~JvmtiDeferredUpdates().
>> If you are okay to separate the EscapeBarrier class into its own hpp/cpp files
>> then the class EscapeBarrierSuspendHandshake is better to be colocated with
>> it.
> Done.
>> The below functions EscapeBarrier::sync_and_suspend_one() and do_thread() make a call to the set_obj_deopt_flag() which
>> seems to be a duplication. At least, it is not clear why this duplication exist and so, needs to be explained in a
>> comment.  ```
>> +void EscapeBarrier::sync_and_suspend_one() {
>> +  assert(_calling_thread != NULL, "calling thread must not be NULL");
>> +  assert(_deoptee_thread != NULL, "deoptee thread must not be NULL");
>> +  assert(barrier_active(), "should not call");
>> +
>> +  // Sync with other threads that might be doing deoptimizations
>> +  {
>> +    // Need to switch to _thread_blocked for the wait() call
>> +    ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(_calling_thread);
>> +    MonitorLocker ml(_calling_thread, EscapeBarrier_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
>> +    while (_self_deoptimization_in_progress || _deoptee_thread->is_obj_deopt_suspend()) {
>> +      ml.wait();
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    if (self_deopt()) {
>> +      _self_deoptimization_in_progress = true;
>> +      return;
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    // set suspend flag for target thread
>> +    _deoptee_thread->set_obj_deopt_flag();
>> +  }
>> +
>> +  // suspend target thread
>> +  EscapeBarrierSuspendHandshake sh(NULL, "EscapeBarrierSuspendOne");
>> +  Handshake::execute_direct(&sh, _deoptee_thread);
>> +  assert(!_deoptee_thread->has_last_Java_frame() || _deoptee_thread->frame_anchor()->walkable(),
>> +         "stack should be walkable now");
>> +}
>> . . . . .
>> +class EscapeBarrierSuspendHandshake : public HandshakeClosure {
>> +  JavaThread* _excluded_thread;
>> + public:
>> +  EscapeBarrierSuspendHandshake(JavaThread* excluded_thread, const char* name) :
>> +    HandshakeClosure(name),
>> +    _excluded_thread(excluded_thread) {}
>> +  void do_thread(Thread* th) {
>> +    if (th->is_Java_thread() && !th->is_hidden_from_external_view() && (th != _excluded_thread)) {
>> +      th->set_obj_deopt_flag();
>> +    }
>> +  }
>> +};
>> ```
> I previously removed the set_obj_deopt_flag() call from
> EscapeBarrierSuspendHandshake::do_thread() in [1]. For synchronization it is
> better to set_obj_deopt_flag() before the handshake (see comment in
> EscapeBarrier::sync_and_suspend_all()).
> [1] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/119/commits/18dd54b4e6f17ca723e4ae1a1e8dc57e81878dd3
>> /src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiImpl.cpp:
>> ```
>> 421 // Constructor for non-object getter
>>  422 VM_GetOrSetLocal::VM_GetOrSetLocal(JavaThread* thread, jint depth, jint index, BasicType type)
>>  423   : _thread(thread)
>>  424   , _calling_thread(NULL)
>>  425   , _depth(depth)
>>  426   , _index(index)
>>  427   , _type(type)
>>  428   , _jvf(NULL)
>>  429   , _set(false)
>>  430   , _eb(NULL, NULL, type == T_OBJECT)
>>  431   , _result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE)
>>  432 {
>>  433 }
>>  434
>>  435 // Constructor for object or non-object setter
>>  436 VM_GetOrSetLocal::VM_GetOrSetLocal(JavaThread* thread, jint depth, jint index, BasicType type, jvalue value)
>>  437   : _thread(thread)
>>  438   , _calling_thread(NULL)
>>  439   , _depth(depth)
>>  440   , _index(index)
>>  441   , _type(type)
>>  442   , _value(value)
>>  443   , _jvf(NULL)
>>  444   , _set(true)
>>  445   , _eb(JavaThread::current(), thread, type == T_OBJECT)
>>  446   , _result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE)
>>  447 {
>>  448 }
>>  449
>>  450 // Constructor for object getter
>>  451 VM_GetOrSetLocal::VM_GetOrSetLocal(JavaThread* thread, JavaThread* calling_thread, jint depth, int index)
>>  452   : _thread(thread)
>>  453   , _calling_thread(calling_thread)
>>  454   , _depth(depth)
>>  455   , _index(index)
>>  456   , _type(T_OBJECT)
>>  457   , _jvf(NULL)
>>  458   , _set(false)
>>  459   , _eb(calling_thread, thread, true)
>>  460   , _result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE)
>>  461 {
>>  462 }
>> ```
>> I think, false has to be passed to the constructors of non-object getters instead of expression:
>> "type == T_OBJECT".
>> The type can not be T_OBJECT for non-object getters.
> I used to do that. Then I changed it because the c++ compiler can fold the
> comparison to "false" and if somebody changes the non-object getter to get
> objects too then it would still be correct.
> Let me know if you still think it is better to pass false. Maybe add an
> assertion type == T_OBJECT then?
>> Q: Is an EscapeBarrier useful if false is passed as the barrier_active parameter?
> The EscapeBarrier is not needed then. In the case of the non-object getter above
> I'd hope that most of the constructor/desctructor of EscapeBarrier is eliminated
> by the c++ compiler then.
> Besides the changes you suggested I have made a bugfix in
> test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/EATests.java to prevent ObjectCollectedException.
> Thanks, Richard.

Hi Serguei

are you ok with the changes I made based on your comments?
Will you further review the change?

Thanks, Richard.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/119

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