RFR: 8159746: (proxy) Support for default methods

Mandy Chung mchung at openjdk.java.net
Wed Oct 28 17:41:48 UTC 2020

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 08:35:47 GMT, Peter Levart <plevart at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Yes, but it is not really useful there. The super handler is captured by the user invocation handler created in the invocation handler factory function and it is only used by the user invocation handler. All we need in the proxy instance is a boolean flag indicating the way the invocation handler was created (which one of the two overloaded newProxyInstance methods was called).

Either way provides the distinction if this proxy class supports default method invocation.   I chose to store the superHandler rather than a boolean that may allow us to do white-box testing (an alternative to the trick in getting the superHandler in spinning another proxy instance).   It's a trivial change  if we prefer to store a boolean field but keep the constructor to take `superHandler` parameter.  I'm fine with it.

> To be precise, we need to pass CCE and NPE thrown by the default method unchanged, but we need to wrap CCE and NPE thrown by the method handle transformation chain with IllegalArgumentException. Is that what you are referring to? 

Yes and it's implementation details.  For the specification side, I agree that `InvocationHandler::invoke` throws the exception by the method and no need to wrap it with `InvocationTargetException` .

> "Do we want to wrap CCE and NPE thrown by the method handle transformation chain with IllegalArgumentException?".

I did consider that and propose to go with IAE for simplicity and consistency with the core reflection (`Method::invoke`, `Field::set` etc) when there is an illegal argument.   Is it worth specifying `CCE` and  `NPE` explicitly when an argument fails the conversion?   Maybe but average users of `java.lang.reflect` may not use `java.lang.invoke` and `IAE` is thrown for illegal argument to the method invocation.   When invoking a default method, `Method` object representing a default method is passed to `superHandler` and it's intuitive to consider the behavior as if `Method::invoke` is called (note that the specification does not mandate/expect to use `Lookup::findSpecial` and `MethodHandle::invoke*`).   While CCE and NPE provide slightly clearer reason of the illegal argument, as you said, they are subtle variants of the same thing indicating the parameters are wrong.  This only impacts the performance of the exception cases which should not be a big concern.    This explains why I a
 m in favor to throw IAE for illegal arguments which is the expected behavior for average core reflection users.  

> What to do about that. Is UncheckedReflectiveOperationException a suitable solution? 

I do see your point of proposing `UncheckedReflectiveOperationException` which I thought about too and was tempted.  I'm uncertain yet if we want a  unchecked  exception type for any reflective operation exceptions.     Should future new `java.lang.reflect` and `java.lang.invoke` APIs use the unchecked exception?  This is a broader question to answer than one specific exception type `java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleInvocationHandlerException`??

> I'm not particularly fond of creating another Proxy.invocationHandler method, because it does not solve the problem of the old method that may also be called.

Me neither.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/313

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