Request for review of JDK-8251548

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Sep 21 03:11:16 UTC 2020

On 18/09/2020 5:15 pm, Сергей Цыпанов wrote:
> Hi,
>> Did you not follow these instructions to get your github account
>> connected to your OCA record:
> Those are for "OpenJDK Author, Committer or Reviewer", but I'm only a contributor,
> i.e. I cannot file an issue or commit directly. My previous contributions were shipped as *.patch
> files in mail attachments.

Ah sorry I overlooked that bit.

> Anyway, OCA was approved again and the PR ( is ready for review :)

It wasn't necessary to re-do the OCA, but glad it is now sorted.


> Cheers,
> Sergey
> 17.09.2020, 14:11, "David Holmes" <david.holmes at>:
>> On 17/09/2020 7:24 pm, Сергей Цыпанов wrote:
>>>   Hi David,
>>>   thanks for pointing this out!
>>>   I've created a PR there [1], but GitHub for some reason wants me to sign OCA,
>>>   which I have already signed in 2017. I've redone the procedure and now I'm waiting
>>>   for verification.
>> Did you not follow these instructions to get your github account
>> connected to your OCA record:
>> "If you already are an OpenJDK Author, Committer or Reviewer, please
>> click here[1] to open a new issue so that we can record that fact.
>> Please use "Add GitHub user stsypanov" as summary for the issue."
>> [1]
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> -----
>>>   Regards,
>>>   Sergey
>>>   1.
>>>   17.09.2020, 09:22, "David Holmes" <david.holmes at>:
>>>>   Hi Sergey,
>>>>   Since OpenJDK has moved to git/github, this needs to reformulated as a
>>>>   Pull Request (PR).
>>>>   Cheers,
>>>>   David
>>>>   On 17/09/2020 5:19 pm, Сергей Цыпанов wrote:
>>>>>     Hello,
>>>>>     is it possible to have a code review for the changes proposed in JDK-8251548?
>>>>>     Sean Mullan has created an issue and web-review and can sponsor the patch
>>>>>     as soos as it gets properly reviewed.
>>>>>     As Doug Lea claims in
>>>>>>     there is never any reason to explicitly initialize fields to 0/0.0/false/null
>>>>>     so I believe the patch is harmless.
>>>>>     Issue:
>>>>>     Webrev:
>>>>>     Thanks,
>>>>>     Sergey Tsypanov

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