RFR: 8277322: Document that setting an invalid property jdk.serialFilter disables deserialization

Roger Riggs rriggs at openjdk.java.net
Wed Dec 1 18:23:28 UTC 2021

On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 20:43:23 GMT, Roger Riggs <rriggs at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This is about the second line of defense; what happens when the developer deliberately ignores the first error.
>> If the command line parameters are invalid it might be an option to call `System.exit(1)` but there
>> is no precedent for that and it seems undesirable.
>> Any and all deserialization is only possible after the command line or security properties, if any, are successfully applied.
>> In the examples above, the constructors for `ObjectInputStream` do not succeed if either the serial filter or filter factory are not valid.  The builtin filter factory applies the default filter regardless of the setting of an `ObjectInputFilter` set on the stream.  The only way to completely control the filter combinations is to provide
>> a valid filter factory on the command line; but that is not the case raising the issue here.
>> The initialization of both could be re-specified and re-implemented to allow the initialization of `Config` to
>> complete successfully but defer throwing an exception (or Error) until either filter or filter factory
>> was requested from `Config.getSerialFilter` or `Config.getSerialFilterFactory`.
>> Both of them are called from the `ObjectInputStream` constructors. 
>> At present, it is incompletely specified and implemented to throw `IllegalStateException` for `getSerialFilterFactory`.
>> The `NCDFE` is a more reliable backstop against misuse from any source, including reflection, than the alternative.
> The use of `ExceptionInInitializerError` can be completely replaced for  invalid values of `jdk.serialFilter` and `jdk.serialFilterFactory` with:
> - If either property is supplied and is invalid; deserialization is disabled by:
> - `OIF.Config.getSerialFilter()` and `OIF.Config.setSerialFilter(...)` throw IllegalStateException with the exception message thrown from `Config.createFilter(pattern)`
> - `OIF.Config.getSerialFilterFactory()` and `OIF.Config.setSerialFilterFactory(...)` throw IllegalStateException with the exception message from the attempt to construct the filter factory.
> - Both `new ObjectInputStream(...)` constructors call both `OIF.Config.getSerialFilter()` and `OIF.Config.getSerialFilterFactory()` and so will throw the appropriate `IllegalStateException` for invalid values of the properties.
> - The static initialization of `OIF.Config` does not throw any exceptions (so no `ExceptionInInitializerError`) but hold the state so that the method above can throw `IllegalStateException` with the informative message.
> - The `IllegalStateException`s will be thrown just slightly later than previously, now after the `Config` class is initialized instead of during initialization.
> - The javadoc of the `Config` class will replace the descriptions of the previous error with descriptions of `ISE` and each of the methods mentioned above will have an added `IllegalStateException` documented referring to the property values.
> Its not strictly compatible with the previous behavior but occurs only in the case of badly formed parameters on the command line.

With the change in scope of the solution, a new PR has been created: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/6645
Please review that instead.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6508

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