Monitoring wrapped ThreadPoolExecutor returned from Executors

Jason Mehrens jason_mehrens at
Thu Jan 7 17:57:41 UTC 2021

Hi Doug,

What are your thoughts on promoting monitoring methods from TPE and or FJP to AbstractExecutorService?  The default implementations could just return -1.  An example precedent is OperatingSystemMXBean::getSystemLoadAverage.  The Executors.DelegatedExecutorService could then be modified to extend AbstractExecutorService and forward the new methods and the existing AES::taskFor calls when the wrapped Executor is also an AbstractExecutorService.  The return types of the Executors.newXXX would remain the same.

I suppose the tradeoff is that adding any new default method to ExecutorService and or new methods to AbstractExecutorService could break 3rd party code.


From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-retn at> on behalf of Doug Lea <dl at>
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 7:09 AM
To: core-libs-dev at
Subject: Re: Monitoring wrapped ThreadPoolExecutor returned from Executors

On 1/5/21 10:11 PM, Tommy Ludwig wrote:
> In the Micrometer project, we provide metrics instrumentation of `ExectorService`s. For `ThreadPoolExecutor`s, we track the number of completed tasks, active tasks, thread pool sizes, task queue size and remaining capacity via methods from `ThreadPoolExecutor`. We are currently using a brittle reflection hack[1] to do this for the wrapped `ThreadPoolExecutor` returned from `Executors` methods `newSingleThreadExecutor` and `newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor`. With the introduction of JEP-396 in JDK 16, our reflection hack throws an InaccessibleObjectException by default.
> I am not seeing a proper way to get at the methods we use for the metrics (e.g. `ThreadPoolExecutor::getCompletedTaskCount`) in this case. Is there a way that I am missing?

There's no guarantee that newSingleThreadExecutor returns a restricted
view of a ThreadPoolExecutor, so there can't be a guaranteed way of
accessing it,

But I'm sympathetic to the idea that under the current implementation
(which is unlikely to change anytime soon), the stats are available, and
should be available to monitoring tools. But none of the ways to do this
are very attractive: Creating a MonitorableExecutorService interface and
returning that? Making the internal view class public with a protected
getExecutor method?

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