Monitoring wrapped ThreadPoolExecutor returned from Executors

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Jan 15 15:35:09 UTC 2021

On 15/01/2021 10:51, Tommy Ludwig wrote:
> Parsing the delegate toString would be a usable workaround for the time being for Micrometer, assuming the format is stable across JDK versions. It's better than no alternative, which is where I think we are currently at for the wrapped cases.
As a temporary workaround you can use --add-opens to open 
java.base/java.util.concurrent. That will keep existing hacks working 
until you have something better.

Given the importance of specific thread pools in some applications then 
there may be merit exploring a management interface 
(PlatformManagedObject) that would exposes some stats. This could allow 
both local and remote tooling to monitor/sample the stats of interesting 
thread pools.


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