jpackage on MacOS - ./Contents/Contents/app/myapp.cfg file not found

Bruno Borges Bruno.Borges at
Wed Jul 21 20:46:31 UTC 2021

Hi all,

Been trying to use Java 16.0.1 to produce a PKG for the fx2048 [1] game, and the generated app-image comes with a binary launcher that tries to load the .cfg file from the wrong directory.

Anyone seen this problem?  master -> origin/master ✔                                                                                                                                      1h59m  java:16.0.1
$ tree ../../../ -L 4
    └── Contents
        ├── Info.plist
        ├── MacOS
        │   └── fx2048
        ├── PkgInfo
        ├── Resources
        │   └── fx2048.icns
        ├── app
        │   └── fx2048.cfg
        └── runtime
            └── Contents

7 directories, 5 files

$ ./fx2048
Error opening "/Users/bruno/myprojects/fx2048/build/installers/" file: No such file or directory


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