Insufficiencies in JEP: 400: UTF-8 by Default
ojdk at
Sun Mar 14 11:00:15 UTC 2021
Hi all,
the JEP generally paints the picture that using the OS charset would be
incorrect or useless, it is however the right and perfectly valid choice for
communicating with other local programs where no other charset was specified.
It is the same as UTF-8 most of the time, but not always and especially not on
Windows, using UTF-8 every time would be strictly less correct.
Per [1] LC_CTYPE defines the charset to use for transforming between binary
data and text. Given that the file.encoding system property doesn't exist
within Java SE, LC_CTYPE combined with the current specification of
Charset.defaultCharset() is the only compliant way to change the default
charset in Java SE outside some custom application specific handling. Ignoring
LC_CTYPE obviously leaves no standard approach. From the program's POV the
same applies in reverse, currently one could only use Charset.defaultCharset()
to determine the OS charset or let the methods infer it through the
charset-less constructors, then potentially read it back through e.g.
The OS charset is still relevant for text interaction on,
sub-process stdin/stdout/stderr and files with unknown encoding. Programs like
grep assume the files are encoded according to LC_CTYPE, much like a similarly
designed Java program that uses the OS charset on purpose. Constructing a
Reader for stdin properly requires some way to determine the relevant OS
I'm perfectly happy with changing the charset-less methods to use UTF-8 since
it's the best choice outside the above scenarios, despite the compatibility
impact. Dropping standardized support for the OS charset however not only
breaks the above interactions, but also leaves no nice migration path. The -
Dfile.encoding=COMPAT workaround is explicitly not standardized and isn't
available to the Java application itself, only to whoever starts the JVM to
presumably work around outdated code.
IMO Charset should provide standardized getters for the OS charset and the
console charset. The latter being different has been a long standing issue on
Windows where the codepage differs between its CLI and regular environments.
OpenJDK has the necessary data already available in its custom system
The console charset is currently hidden behind PrintStream not exposing the
underlying OSWriter and not offering getEncoding() itself. The OS charset
would be hidden in the future by Charset.getDefaultCharset()'s specification
change in JEP 400.
Please consider the above minor additions to fix those issues for good.
Best regards,
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