Re: Insufficiencies in JEP:?==?utf-8?q? 400: UTF-8 by Default
Anthony Vanelverdinghe
dev at
Tue Mar 30 17:03:21 UTC 2021
Hi Alan
As Marco mentioned, another use case is sub-process stdin/stdout/stderr. In my particular instance, I'm starting a Process which has its output redirected to a file. It uses the platform's default encoding for writing to stdout. So when I want to read its output from the file at some later point, I need to supply that encoding to the Files API.
One way to accommodate this use case, is a method which allows to retrieve the platform's default encoding, for example a method `platformEncoding` in Charset or Process, or the `Console::charset` method you mentioned. Another option would be to enhance the Process API, by adding methods to Process which return appropriate Readers/Writers & adding methods of the form `redirectX(File file, Charset encoding)` to ProcessBuilder. But this seems like a lot of additional API surface, just to avoid surfacing the platform's default encoding itself.
So I think the JEP should specify how it'll address use cases w.r.t. the Process API, shouldn't it?
Kind regards,
On Sunday, March 14, 2021 13:01 CET, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> On 14/03/2021 11:00, Marco wrote:
> > :
> >
> > IMO Charset should provide standardized getters for the OS charset and the
> > console charset. The latter being different has been a long standing issue on
> > Windows where the codepage differs between its CLI and regular environments.
> > OpenJDK has the necessary data already available in its custom system
> > properties.
> >
> > The console charset is currently hidden behind PrintStream not exposing the
> > underlying OSWriter and not offering getEncoding() itself. The OS charset
> > would be hidden in the future by Charset.getDefaultCharset()'s specification
> > change in JEP 400.
> The intention that there will be little or no impact to the console
> streams. This means that reader/writer methods should
> continue to return a Reader/PrintWriter that uses the platform encoding
> (or code page is on Windows). Same thing for the System.out/System.err
> print streams. We need to make this clearer in the JEP.
> There has been discussion on this mailing list about adding a
> Console::charset method but it didn't come to a consensus. Naoto Sato
> and I have been chatting about it again recently as there may be a need
> to add an API in advance of proposing to target the JEP.
> One case that we are still mulling over is code that creates an
> InputStreamReader on without specifying the charset. This
> might be older code that pre-dates or maybe code that
> wasn't tested on a wide range or platforms. Options range from a spec
> change to doing nothing (the latter meaning running with "COMPACT" or
> migrating the code to use the 2-arg constructor as the default charset
> is not the right choice).
> -Alan
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