[External] : Re: JEP draft: Scope Locals

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Mon May 17 19:55:37 UTC 2021

>     Let's try again: why is that important?   What decisions would you
>     make differently if you had this information?  What benefit would
>     come from those decisions?
> Threading is hard.

Gee, thanks MIke for pointing that out to me, obviously I'm new to the 
topic :)

> Scoped variables are also hard to get right. Combining the two without 
> an explicit api ignores the complexity that will arise as scoped 
> variables are passed to other threads.

OK, now we're getting to the actual question; you obviously have some 
assumptions about the degree of sharing expected, that might be skipping 
a few steps (and then skipping some more steps by jumping to a 
solution).  So to ask again: what patterns of access / sharing are you 
assuming, what risks are you anticipating, etc?

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