jpackage java commands

Andy Herrick andy.herrick at
Wed May 19 14:40:41 UTC 2021

I don't think jlink will ever include the jdk development tools in a 
custom runtime (using jlink on windows or mac without 
--strip-native-commands only gives me java and keytool), but you can 
include the whole jdk (less and the jmods directory) by using 
--runtime-image <runtime dir> and pointing <runtime dir> to the JDK you 
are running jpackage from (or you can take copy of that JDK, modify it 
in any way you want, and point to that)).


On 5/19/2021 10:00 AM, Michael Hall wrote:
> I added
> --jlink-options '--strip-debug --no-man-pages --no-header-files’
> to my invocation, avoiding --strip-native-commands,  so that the native java commands are not stripped. I believe currently recommended jpackage way to do this.
> I get the following commands in my embedded JDK
> java		jdb		jshell		rmid		serialver
> javac		jrunscript	keytool		rmiregistry
> The installed jdk bin directory has 29 different commands including ones like jpackage, jlink, javap, jcmd…
> What if I want to run one of those from the application? I can exec them but the version might not match the embedded?
> Not a current problem that I know of, I will use the installed for now.

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