RFR: 8274715: Implement forEach in Collections.CopiesList

Martin Buchholz martin at openjdk.java.net
Mon Oct 4 16:54:10 UTC 2021

On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 13:28:49 GMT, Сергей Цыпанов <github.com+10835776+stsypanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Originally was proposed by Zheka Kozlov here: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2018-December/057192.html
> Just a tiny optimization: we can use for-i loop instead of `Iterable.forEach()` which is relying on iterator.
> Simple benchmark demonstrates slight improvement:
> @State(Scope.Thread)
> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
> public class NCopiesBenchmarks {
>   @Param({"10", "50", "100"})
>   int size;
>   private List<Object> list;
>   @Setup
>   public void prepare() {
>     list = Collections.nCopies(size, new Object());
>   }
>   @Benchmark
>   public void forEach(Blackhole bh) {
>     list.forEach(bh::consume);
>   }
> }
> before
> Benchmark                                      (size)  Mode  Cnt    Score    Error   Units
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach                          10  avgt   50   40.737 ±  1.854   ns/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate           10  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      10  avgt   50   ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.count                10  avgt   50      ≈ 0           counts
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach                          50  avgt   50  213.324 ±  3.784   ns/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate           50  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      50  avgt   50   ≈ 10⁻³             B/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.count                50  avgt   50      ≈ 0           counts
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach                         100  avgt   50  443.171 ± 17.919   ns/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate          100  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     100  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001    B/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.count               100  avgt   50      ≈ 0           counts
> after
> Benchmark                                      (size)  Mode  Cnt    Score    Error   Units
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach                          10  avgt   50   36.838 ±  0.065   ns/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate           10  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      10  avgt   50   ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.count                10  avgt   50      ≈ 0           counts
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach                          50  avgt   50  191.173 ±  0.570   ns/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate           50  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      50  avgt   50   ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.count                50  avgt   50      ≈ 0           counts
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach                         100  avgt   50  376.675 ±  2.476   ns/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate          100  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     100  avgt   50    0.001 ±  0.001    B/op
> NCopiesBenchmarks.forEach:·gc.count               100  avgt   50      ≈ 0           counts

Core collection classes should have optimized versions of forEach, so this is a good change in principle.  Although CopiesList.forEach is unlikely to be performance critical.

I implemented many similar optimizations for core collection classes in past years.
Many of them are benchmarked in test/jdk/java/util/Collection/IteratorMicroBenchmark.java
That was written pre-JMH.
I see a JMH benchmark was written, but it is not part of the commit.

There are a number of unrelated changes in this commit that look like they were suggested by a lint-like tool.  Such changes are good, but they belong in a separate cleanup commit applied across large portions of the jdk sources.

I would not use "var" here - more readable with concrete types.

Similarly, I prefer not using diamond for
return new Enumeration<T>() {


Changes requested by martin (Reviewer).

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2524

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