JDK-17: Wndows jpackage destination directory not writable

Sverre Moe sverre.moe at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 09:55:38 UTC 2021

I ran cacls after the failed jpackage.

C:\temp\my-javafx-application>cacls build
C:\temp\my-javafx-application\build <Account Domain not found>F
                             CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)F
                             <Account Domain not found>R
                             CREATOR GROUP:(OI)(CI)(IO)R

C:\temp\my-javafx-application>cacls build\native
C:\temp\my-javafx-application\build\native <Account Domain not found>F
                                    CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)F
                                    <Account Domain not found>R
                                    CREATOR GROUP:(OI)(CI)(IO)R

As cacls was deprecated it suggested to use icacls instead:

C:\temp\my-javafx-application>icacls build
build S-1-5-21-406077803-2019195645-689573112-1003:(I)(F)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

C:\temp\my-javafx-application>icacls build\native
build\native S-1-5-83-1-1537791174-1084404783-2478187907-2577323605:(I)(F)
             CREATOR OWNER:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
             CREATOR GROUP:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(RX)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

Running attrib on the workspace, and build dirs:

A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\.description
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\.gitignore
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\build.gradle
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\gradle.properties
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\gradlew
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\gradlew.bat
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\Jenkinsfile
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\packager.gradle
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\README.adoc
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\settings.gradle
A                    C:\Temp\my-javafx-application\spotless.gradle

C:\Temp\my-javafx-application>attrib build

C:\Temp\meos-dashboard>attrib build\native


tir. 5. okt. 2021 kl. 10:41 skrev Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>:

> On 05/10/2021 08:54, Sverre Moe wrote:
> > With JDK 17, jpackage fails to write to the destination directory on
> > Windows.
> >
> > It worked fine with JDK 11 (with jpackage from JDK14) and Docker.
> >
> > Only happens on Windows docker. Running directly on WIndows it works with
> > JDK 17.
> >
> > What has changed with jpackage that it no longer can write to the
> > destination directory when running in Docker?
> > Is it a regression/bug with jpackage?
> >
> I don't know what has changed in jpackage, maybe it didn't check for
> write access previously. However, the error you are seeing suggests
> there may be a lower-level issue, maybe a driver issue. It would be
> useful if you could print out the DACL (using cacls is okay) and the DOS
> attributes.
> -Alan

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