Strange colon in CollationElementIterator javadoc

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at
Wed Oct 6 20:07:30 UTC 2021

It was meant to be a vertical ellipsis. In hindsight, we could use the 
explicit character for that purpose. ('⋮' U+22EE)


On 10/6/21 12:07 PM, Andrey Turbanov wrote:
> Hello.
> While reading the javadoc of CollationElementIterator I found a
> strange colon in the example.
>      String testString = "This is a test";
>      Collator col = Collator.getInstance();
>      if (col instanceof RuleBasedCollator) {
>          RuleBasedCollator ruleBasedCollator = (RuleBasedCollator)col;
>          CollationElementIterator collationElementIterator =
> ruleBasedCollator.getCollationElementIterator(testString);
>          int primaryOrder =
> CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(;
>              :
>      }
> Does it mean something?
> It was added under
> Andrey Turbanov

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