Suspicious duplicate condition in java.util.regex.Grapheme#isExcludedSpacingMark

Jim Laskey james.laskey at
Tue Sep 7 12:29:39 UTC 2021

Bug submitted on your behalf.

> On Sep 6, 2021, at 4:16 AM, Andrey Turbanov <turbanoff at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I found suspicious condition in the method
> java.util.regex.Grapheme#isExcludedSpacingMark
> It's detected by IntelliJ IDEA inspection 'Condition is covered by
> further condition'
> ```
> private static boolean isExcludedSpacingMark(int cp) {
>   return  cp == 0x102B || cp == 0x102C || cp == 0x1038 ||
>           cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x1064 ||
>           cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x106D ||  // <== here is the warning
>           cp == 0x1083 ||
>           cp >= 0x1087 && cp <= 0x108C ||
>           cp == 0x108F ||
>           cp >= 0x109A && cp <= 0x109C ||
>           cp == 0x1A61 || cp == 0x1A63 || cp == 0x1A64 ||
>           cp == 0xAA7B || cp == 0xAA7D;
> }
> ```
> There are 2 sub-conditions in this complex condition:
> cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x1064 ||
> cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x106D ||
> The second condition is _wider_ than the first one.
> I believe it's a bug. The second condition (according to
> should look like this:
> cp >= 0x1067 && cp <= 0x106D ||
> 0x1065, 0x1066 are not from the Spacing_Mark category.
> Andrey Turbanov

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