How can I trigger a @Serial warning?

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at
Fri Sep 10 05:02:08 UTC 2021

Hi Cay,

The enhancements to javac's serial lint checking have not been 
implemented as of yet. For now, @Serial is just documentation.



On 9/8/2021 10:43 PM, Cay Horstmann wrote:
> I am trying to give an example of the utility of the @Serial 
> annotation. But the JDK 17 javac doesn't seem to do anything with it. 
> I tried:
> @Serial private void readObject( stream, int 
> shouldNotHaveThisParam) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
> @Serial private static final String serialVersionUID = "Fred";
> @Serial public String getName() { ... }
> Is there some flag that I need to use? I tried -Xlint:serial, but it 
> didn't make a difference.
> Thanks,
> Cay

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