do NOT support Digest authentication while HttpURLConnection do

Farkas Levente lfarkas at
Fri Apr 29 09:49:38 UTC 2022


Just to mention a few:

Also from this issue also assume it's support:
and this issue also contains a reference to:
which makes assume it IS already implemented and as I wrote 
HttpURLConnection also support it.

That's why I suppose just should have to in add it to HttpClient.

IMHO it's still a big barrier to use HttpClient instead of the other 3th 
party http client implementations:

as a quote from:
"JDK11 HTTP client supports only basic authentication scheme. From my 
point of view, this will block users from migrating their code to use 
the new library."

What's more even you wrote
"It can be easily implemented at the application level"
there is not ANY such public implementation...
Probably it has reasons...


Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"

On 2022. 04. 29. 11:34, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi,
> only supports Basic authentication out
> of the box.
> Which tutorials are claiming that Digest authentication is supported?
> Can you send some links?
> At the moment there is no plan to support digest authentication out of
> the box. It can be easily implemented at the application level on top
> of the existing APIs, by *not* registering an authenticator with
> the client and dealing with 401/407 response from the application code.
> best regards,
> -- daniel
> On 28/04/2022 23:40, Farkas Levente wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Even though many tutorial said that the new
>> support Digest authentication it's not true:
>> But at the same time HttpURLConnection support it through the simple:
>> -------------------------------
>> Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
>>      @Override
>>      protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
>>          return new PasswordAuthentication (
>>              "username",
>>              "password".toCharArray()
>>          );
>>      }
>> });
>> -------------------------------
>> Is it a bug or you don't even plan to support it with HttpClient?
>> Regards.

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