jdeps - option to to analyze package-private API

Matej Turcel matej.turcel at oracle.com
Sat Dec 3 18:15:50 UTC 2022


I would like to propose a new option for jdeps, similar to --api-only,
which would analyze not only private and protected API (like --api-only
does), but also package-private API. In more detail, this option would
report all dependencies which occur in all types (not only public ones),
namely in the type's:
- non-private members (= public, protected, or package-private),
- signatures of non-private constructors and methods,
- one of the above inside an arbitrarily deeply nested inner type,
   such that all its enclosing types are non-private.

A little bit about the motivation for this additional functionality.
We use Gradle to build our product, and have several hundred modules
with a few thousands mutual dependencies between them. With each change
in the source code, developers must manually update the Gradle module
dependencies and ensure they have the correct type, e.g. `api` or
`implementation` (there are more types but they are not relevant here).
With tens of thousands of classes, this gets out of hand quickly, and
as a result, the dependencies declared in our build.gradle files often
do not match the actual dependencies of the underlying source code.
Naturally, we would like to automatically analyze the code and obtain
correct dependency types, and since we use several JDK languages, we want
to analyze bytecode using jdeps, instead of analyzing source code as that
would require having a separate front-end for each language we use.

So far, jdeps with the --api-only flag seems like the perfect tool, except
there is a little problem -- we have packages (dozens of them) which
exist in multiple modules. For example, package `com.foo` exists in
three separate modules (meaning each of these modules has a class in that
package). That means package-private "stuff" (members + constructor/method
signatures) is a part of module's API. So to infer correct types of gradle
module dependencies using jdeps, we need jdeps to consider package-private
stuff a part of the API.

On an unrelated note, I believe bounds of type parameters should be
a part of type's API:

     public class C<T extends Boolean> {
         T x;

But according to jdeps they are not:

     > jdeps --verbose C.class
     C.class -> java.base
        C       -> java.lang.Boolean        java.base
        C       -> java.lang.Object         java.base

     > jdeps --verbose --api-only C.class
     C.class -> java.base
        C       -> java.lang.Object         java.base

Is this behavior intended?

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