Integrated: 8280642: ObjectInputStream.readObject should throw InvalidClassException instead of IllegalAccessError

Roger Riggs rriggs at
Tue Feb 1 20:16:13 UTC 2022

On Fri, 28 Jan 2022 21:02:23 GMT, Roger Riggs <rriggs at> wrote:

> During deserialization of a serialized data stream that contains a proxy descriptor with non-public interfaces
> `` checks that the interfaces can be loaded from a single classloader in `ObjectInputStream.resolveProxyClass`.
> If the interfaces cannot be loaded from a single classloader, an `IllegalAccessError` is thrown.
> When `ObjectInputStream.readObject` encounters this case, it reflects an incompatibility
> between the classloaders of the source of the serialized stream and the classloader being used for deserialization.
> When a proxy object cannot be created from the interfaces, `ObjectInputStream.readObject` should catch
> the `InvalidAccessError` and throw `InvalidObjectException` with the `InvalidAccessError` as the cause.
> This allows the application to handle the exception consistently with other errors during deserialization.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: fdd9ca74
Author:    Roger Riggs <rriggs at>
Stats:     13 lines in 2 files changed: 5 ins; 0 del; 8 mod

8280642: ObjectInputStream.readObject should throw InvalidClassException instead of IllegalAccessError

Reviewed-by: naoto, mchung



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