Should System.exit be controlled by a Scope Local?

Andrew Haley aph-open at
Mon Feb 28 15:32:45 UTC 2022

On 2/28/22 15:12, Sean Mullan wrote:
 > On 2/27/22 1:47 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
 >> I'd like to explore the use of scope locals as a lightweight means to
 >> implement a system of permissions and capabilities for things such as
 >> this.
 > Now you have piqued my curiosity, as I have explored a capability based
 > model for intercepting `System.exit`. Can you say any more about this yet?

I think all we'd need is a set of capabilities bound to a scope local
at thread startup, and I guess it'd default to "all capabilities".
Trusted code could then override any of those capabilities.

We'd have to make sure that capabilities were inherited by threads,
and we'd have to think very carefully about thread pools. The problem
there is that while it would (I guess) make sense to prevent all code
executing in thread pools from calling System.exit(), there's an
obvious compatibility problem if it can't.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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