LambdaMetafactory requires full privilege access, but doesn't seem to actually restrict functionality
Steven Schlansker
stevenschlansker at
Wed Jan 12 20:56:30 UTC 2022
Hi core-libs-dev,
I am maintaining a module for the popular Jackson JSON library that attempts to simplify code-generation code without losing performance.
Long ago, it was a huge win to code-generate custom getter / setter / field accessors rather than use core reflection. Now, the gap is closing a lot with MethodHandles, but there still seems to be some benefit.
The previous approach used for code generation relied on the CGLib + ASM libraries, which as I am sure you know leads to horrible-to-maintain code since you essentially write bytecode directly.
Feature development basically stopped because writing out long chains of `visitVarInsn(ASTORE, 3)` and the like scares off most contributors, myself included.
As an experiment, I started to port the custom class generation logic to use LambdaMetafactory. The idea is to use the factory to generate `Function<Bean, T>` getter and `BiConsumer<Bean, T>` setter implementations.
Then, use those during (de)serialization to access or set data. Eventually hopefully the JVM will inline, removing all (?) reflection overhead.
The invocation looks like:
var lookup = MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(targetClass, MethodHandles.lookup()); // allow non-public access
var getter = lookup.unreflect(someGetterMethod);
methodType(Object.class, Object.class),
This works well for classes from the same classloader. However, once you try to generate lambdas with implementations loaded from a different classloader, you run into a check in the AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory constructor:
if (!caller.hasFullPrivilegeAccess()) {
throw new LambdaConversionException(String.format(
"Invalid caller: %s",
The `privateLookupIn` call seems to drop MODULE privilege access when looking across ClassLoaders. This appears to be because the "unnamed module" differs between a ClassLoader and its child.
This happens without the use of modulepath at all, only classpath, where I would not expect module restrictions to be in play.
Through some experimentation, I discovered that while I cannot call the LambdaMetafactory with this less-privileged lookup, I am still allowed to call defineClass.
So, I compile a simple class:
package <targetclasspackage>;
class AccessCracker { static final Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup(); }
and inject it into the target class's existing package:
lookup = lookup.defineClass(compiledBytes).getField("LOOKUP").get(null);
and now I have a full privileged lookup into the target classloader, and the Metafactory then seems to generate lambdas without complaint.
This workaround seems to work well, although it's a bummer to have to generate and inject these dynamic accessor classes.
It feels inconsistent that on one hand my Lookup is not powerful enough to generate a simple call-site with the Metafactory,
but at the same time it is so powerful that I can load arbitrary bytecode into the target classloader, and thus indirectly do what I wanted to do in the first place (with a fair bit more work)
There's a bit of additional context here:
Any chance the Metafactory might become powerful enough to generate call sites even across such unnamed Modules in a future release? Or even more generally across arbitrary Modules, if relevant access checks pass?
I'm also curious for any feedback on the overall approach of using the Metafactory, perhaps I am way off in the weeds, and should just trust MethodHandles to perform well if you use invokeExact :) JMH does seem to show some benefit though especially with Graal compiler.
Thanks a bunch for any thoughts,
Steven Schlansker
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