LambdaMetafactory requires full privilege access, but doesn't seem to actually restrict functionality

Michael Kuhlmann jdk at
Tue Jan 18 14:43:33 UTC 2022

Hi Steven!

Sorry for coming back so lately; the main reason is that I can't answer 
your question. The issue you are describing indeed is a bit weird, and I 
can only speculate that it's like this because LambdaMetaFactory was 
mainly designed to be used in bootstrap methods for invokedynamic calls. 
So the checks are probably more restrictive than it should be when being 
used in standard Java code.

But I'm curious about your motivation on using Lambdas at all. Of 
course, I don't have detailed insights and may miss some important 
context. Maybe my idea is completely wrong and nonsense; in that case I 
apologize for being so intrusive. But I was already wondering in the 
past why Jackson is using bytecode generation when simple MethodHandle 
combinations would be much easier to use.

Lambdas like Function and BiConsumer seem to be a bad choice for me. 
There are two main downsides to it:
- LambdaMetaFactory only accepts DirectMethodHandles. At least it allows 
simple type conversions as autoboxing and hierarchical castings, but 
that's it. Even a simple conversion from a String input (what you 
probably have when parsing a JSON structure) to a numeric value is 
impossible to integrate.
- I assume you plan to iterate over the generated lambdas. In this case, 
Hotspot won't be able to optimize much because each Function/BiConsumer 
has a different implementation. It's impossible to predict much or even 
inline much. I would expect the performance to be much lower than the 
current one.

Why not just concatenating MethodHandles directly? The strategy could be 
as the following:
- Use filterArguments to make the getter's return type and the setter's 
argument convertable
- Use filterArguments again to directly inject the getter into the 
setter's argument; so getter and setter will merge into one "transfer" 
- Use foldArguments to consecutively perform the transfer handle for 
each attribute; the resulting handle will transfer all attributes from 
source to destination
- Use foldArgument again with MethodHandles::identity to let this 
transfer handle return its argument
- And again, use foldArguments with the constructor handle to convert 
the resulting handle into a simple one-argument-handle expecting the 
source as a parameter and the newly creation target element as the 
return value.
- Use such a handle also for type conversion of nested Pojos (for 
to-many relations, you have to be creative).

As a result, you will have only one simple MethodHandle to convert the 
whole structure at once.

As a background, back in times I was writing a library to convert Solr 
result objects to standard Pojos. The main logic was to convert Maps to 
nested Pojos and vice versa. I used exactly that strategy. It as fun, 
much better than solving Sudoku ;), and it worked well even with Java 8 
features. With the new loop and iterate handles introduced with Java 9, 
you have even more options.

Really, I'm curious if this could be an approach for Jackson. Or if not, 
what could be the obstacles.

On 1/12/22 9:56 PM, Steven Schlansker wrote:
> Hi core-libs-dev,
> I am maintaining a module for the popular Jackson JSON library that attempts to simplify code-generation code without losing performance.
> Long ago, it was a huge win to code-generate custom getter / setter / field accessors rather than use core reflection. Now, the gap is closing a lot with MethodHandles, but there still seems to be some benefit.
> The previous approach used for code generation relied on the CGLib + ASM libraries, which as I am sure you know leads to horrible-to-maintain code since you essentially write bytecode directly.
> Feature development basically stopped because writing out long chains of `visitVarInsn(ASTORE, 3)` and the like scares off most contributors, myself included.
> As an experiment, I started to port the custom class generation logic to use LambdaMetafactory. The idea is to use the factory to generate `Function<Bean, T>` getter and `BiConsumer<Bean, T>` setter implementations.
> Then, use those during (de)serialization to access or set data.  Eventually hopefully the JVM will inline, removing all (?) reflection overhead.
> The invocation looks like:
> var lookup = MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(targetClass, MethodHandles.lookup()); // allow non-public access
> var getter = lookup.unreflect(someGetterMethod);
> LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
>    lookup,
>    "apply",
>    methodType(Function.class),
>    methodType(Object.class, Object.class),
>    getter,
>    getter.type())
> This works well for classes from the same classloader. However, once you try to generate lambdas with implementations loaded from a different classloader, you run into a check in the AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory constructor:
> if (!caller.hasFullPrivilegeAccess()) {
>    throw new LambdaConversionException(String.format(
>      "Invalid caller: %s",
>      caller.lookupClass().getName()));
> }
> The `privateLookupIn` call seems to drop MODULE privilege access when looking across ClassLoaders. This appears to be because the "unnamed module" differs between a ClassLoader and its child.
> This happens without the use of modulepath at all, only classpath, where I would not expect module restrictions to be in play.
> Through some experimentation, I discovered that while I cannot call the LambdaMetafactory with this less-privileged lookup, I am still allowed to call defineClass.
> So, I compile a simple class:
> package <targetclasspackage>;
> class AccessCracker { static final Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup(); }
> and inject it into the target class's existing package:
> lookup = lookup.defineClass(compiledBytes).getField("LOOKUP").get(null);
> and now I have a full privileged lookup into the target classloader, and the Metafactory then seems to generate lambdas without complaint.
> This workaround seems to work well, although it's a bummer to have to generate and inject these dynamic accessor classes.
> It feels inconsistent that on one hand my Lookup is not powerful enough to generate a simple call-site with the Metafactory,
> but at the same time it is so powerful that I can load arbitrary bytecode into the target classloader, and thus indirectly do what I wanted to do in the first place (with a fair bit more work)
> There's a bit of additional context here:
> Any chance the Metafactory might become powerful enough to generate call sites even across such unnamed Modules in a future release? Or even more generally across arbitrary Modules, if relevant access checks pass?
> I'm also curious for any feedback on the overall approach of using the Metafactory, perhaps I am way off in the weeds, and should just trust MethodHandles to perform well if you use invokeExact :) JMH does seem to show some benefit though especially with Graal compiler.
> Thanks a bunch for any thoughts,
> Steven Schlansker

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