RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API

Daniel Fuchs dfuchs at openjdk.org
Fri Nov 11 10:29:33 UTC 2022

On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 21:56:26 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons <jjg at openjdk.org> wrote:

> On the same text but linking to different RFCs: that's tantamount to a bug somewhere. The spec for `@spec` dictates that the URLs and titles should be in 1-1 correspondence, and this is supposed to be enforced in the docket. In other words, specs should have unique titles, and any title should only be used for one spec.

It's not uncommon for a newer version of a RFC to change its number but keep its title. I see that the links in the class level API documentation both have the RFC number in their link text. Somehow that was stripped by your tool - possibly because it tried to extract some meta information from the linked page itself?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11073

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