What are the policies for internal modules?

Ethan McCue ethan at mccue.dev
Mon Nov 21 01:02:49 UTC 2022

There are some modules like jdk.internal.le which contain no
publicly exported packages. In some of the experimentation we are doing, We
want to use the jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.Levenshtien class from

Mechanically, we can do this without creating any new modules by adding a
qualified export of the utils package to jdk.compiler. We could also make a
brand new, tiny pointless module called jdk.internal.levenshtien. That
would be the "cleanest" approach, but only if we didn't consider the
existence of the internal modules to be public API.

So that's my general question - what is the bar for making a new internal
module, and is the set of internal modules subject to backwards
compatibility concerns?
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