RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API [v3]

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Tue Nov 29 11:03:04 UTC 2022

We hear you Mike :-)

I have logged https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8297755 to update the
links in java.net / java.net.http API documentation.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 29/11/2022 03:14, Michael StJohns wrote:
> Hi -
> I need to repeat again.  Please avoid using www.ietf.org as the URL base 
> for referencing RFCs.  The appropriate location is www.rfc-editor.org 
> and is going to be more stable in the long run than any reference to an 
> RFC that runs through the IETF's website.  These two websites have 
> different purposes, and the structure of the IETF website has changed at 
> least once recently and may change again relatively (~5 years) soon.
> The most general and correct form for referencing RFCs is 
> "https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc<number>"  That will get you to the 
> front page with pointers to all of the current semi-canonical versions 
> of the spec (e.g. text, pdf-a, html, and xml).
> Mike

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