Examples Of Many Java Swing Components In One Program.
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Tue Oct 11 08:54:04 UTC 2022
On 11/10/2022 4:38 pm, Amit wrote:
> Code for many Java Swing Components In One Program in case someone needs it.
We used to have a Swing demo in the JDK ... don't know what happened to it.
> Description: The program
> Examples_Of_Many_Swing_Components_In_One_Program contains examples of
> many swing components - that is, how to initialize them and use them.
> You can use code from this program in your code. Where applicable,
> appropriate listeners are also implemented.
> Components covered are: JButton, JLabel, ToolTip, JTextField,
> JFormattedTextField, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JFileChooser,
> JPasswordField, Scrollable JTextArea, Scrollable JList, JComboBox,
> JProgressBar, JSlider, Scrollable JTree, JSpinner, JColorChooser,
> JOptionPane, JDialog, JPopupMenu, JToggleButton, JSeparator, JToolBar,
> JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem, JCheckBoxMenuItem, JRadioButtonMenuItem.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import java.io.*;
> import javax.swing.*;
> import javax.swing.event.*;
> import java.awt.*;
> import java.awt.event.*;
> import java.util.*;
> import java.util.List;
> import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
> import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
> import java.text.*;
> import javax.swing.tree.*;
> import java.time.*;
> import java.time.format.*;
> public class Examples_Of_Many_Swing_Components_In_One_Program extends
> MouseAdapter implements ActionListener,
> ItemListener,
> ListSelectionListener,
> ChangeListener,
> PropertyChangeListener,
> TreeSelectionListener {
> Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
> int screenWidth = screenSize.width;
> int screenHeight = screenSize.height;
> int midScreenWidth = screenWidth / 2;
> int xMargin = screenWidth/10;
> // vertical gap between components
> int vGap = 25;
> int lineLabelHeight = 10;
> int currentYPos = 0;
> int componentHeight = 25;
> int buttonWidth = 100;
> Color lightBlue = new Color(173, 216, 230);
> JFrame jf = null;
> JPanel jp = null;
> JButton jbButtonExample = null;
> JTextField jtfTextFieldExample = null;
> JButton jbTextFieldExample = null;
> JFormattedTextField jftfFormattedTextFieldExample = null;
> JButton jbFormattedTextFieldExample = null;
> JCheckBox jcb1CheckBoxExample = null;
> JCheckBox jcb2CheckBoxExample = null;
> JCheckBox jcb3CheckBoxExample = null;
> JCheckBox jcb4CheckBoxExample = null;
> JLabel jlCheckBoxExample = null;
> JRadioButton jrb1RadioButtonExample = null;
> JRadioButton jrb2RadioButtonExample = null;
> JRadioButton jrb3RadioButtonExample = null;
> JRadioButton jrb4RadioButtonExample = null;
> JLabel jlRadioButtonExample = null;
> JButton jbFileChooserExample = null;
> JTextField jtfFileChooserExample = null;
> JTextField jpfPasswordFieldExample = null;
> JButton jbPasswordFieldExample = null;
> JTextArea jtaTextAreaExample = null;
> JScrollPane jspScrollableTextAreaExample = null;
> JButton jbScrollableTextAreaExample = null;
> JList<String> jlistScrollableListExample = null;
> JScrollPane jspScrollableListExample = null;
> JLabel jlScrollableListExample = null;
> JComboBox<String> jcbComboBoxExample = null;
> JLabel jlComboBoxExample = null;
> JProgressBar jpbProgressBarExample = null;
> JButton jbProgressBarExample = null;
> JLabel jlProgressBarExample = null;
> boolean stopThreadProgressBarExample = false;
> JSlider jsSliderExample = null;
> JLabel jlSliderExample = null;
> JTree jtreeScrollableTreeExample = null;
> JScrollPane jspScrollableTreeExample = null;
> JLabel jlScrollableTreeExample = null;
> JSpinner jsSpinnerExample = null;
> JLabel jlSpinnerExample = null;
> JColorChooser jccColorChooserExample = null;
> JLabel jlColorChooserExample = null;
> JButton jbOptionPaneExamplesMessage = null;
> JButton jbOptionPaneExamplesInput = null;
> JButton jbOptionPaneExamplesConfirm = null;
> JButton jbOptionPaneExamplesOption = null;
> JDialog jdDialogExample = null;
> JComboBox jcbDialogExample = null;
> JFormattedTextField jftfDialogExample = null;
> JList jlistDialogExample = null;
> JButton jbDialogExample1 = null;
> JButton jbDialogExample2 = null;
> JDialog jdScrollableDialogExample = null;
> JPanel jpScrollableDialogPanel = null;
> JButton jbDisplayScrollableDialog = null;
> JButton jbCloseScrollableDialog = null;
> JPopupMenu jpmPopupMenuExample = null;
> JMenuItem jmiPopupMenuExample1 = null;
> JMenuItem jmiPopupMenuExample2 = null;
> JToggleButton jtbToggleButtonExample = null;
> JButton jbToolBarExample = null;
> JComboBox jcbToolBarExample = null;
> JMenuBar jmb = null;
> JMenu jm = null;
> JMenu jmSubMenu = null;
> JMenuItem jmiMenuItemExample = null;
> JCheckBoxMenuItem jcbmiCheckBoxMenuItemExample = null;
> JRadioButtonMenuItem jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem1 = null;
> JRadioButtonMenuItem jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem2 = null;
> @Override
> public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
> Object source = ae.getSource();
> if (source == jbButtonExample) {
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "You clicked the
> button!", "Info", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> } else if (source == jbTextFieldExample) {
> String text = "You entered: " + jtfTextFieldExample.getText();
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> } else if ((source == jrb1RadioButtonExample) || (source ==
> jrb2RadioButtonExample) || (source == jrb3RadioButtonExample) ||
> (source == jrb4RadioButtonExample)) {
> String text = "You selected " + "\"" +
> ((JRadioButton)source).getText() + "\".";
> jlRadioButtonExample.setText(text);
> } else if (source == jbFileChooserExample) {
> JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser();
> if ((jfc.showOpenDialog(jf)) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
> File selectedFile = jfc.getSelectedFile();
> jtfFileChooserExample.setText(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath());
> }
> } else if (source == jbPasswordFieldExample) {
> String text = "You entered: " + jpfPasswordFieldExample.getText();
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> } else if (source == jbScrollableTextAreaExample) {
> String text = "You wrote: " + jtaTextAreaExample.getText();
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> } else if (source == jcbComboBoxExample) {
> // source is used here to show that selected item can be
> gotten from source
> // instead of using jcbComboBoxExample.
> String text = (String)(((JComboBox)source).getSelectedItem());
> if (text.isBlank() == true) {
> jlComboBoxExample.setText(text);
> } else {
> text = "You selected \"" + text + "\".";
> jlComboBoxExample.setText(text);
> }
> } else if (source == jbProgressBarExample) {
> String buttonText = jbProgressBarExample.getText();
> if ((buttonText.equals("Start Task") == true) ||
> (buttonText.equals("Start Task Again") == true)) {
> // example of anonymous subclass
> Thread thread = new Thread() {
> @Override
> public void run() {
> int progress = 10;
> while (progress <= 100) {
> if (stopThreadProgressBarExample == true) {
> stopThreadProgressBarExample = false;
> jpbProgressBarExample.setValue(0);
> jbProgressBarExample.setText("Start
> Task Again");
> jlProgressBarExample.setText("Task cancelled.");
> return;
> } // end of if stopThreadProgressBarExample
> jlProgressBarExample.setText("Task is running..");
> jpbProgressBarExample.setValue(progress);
> if (progress == 100) {
> break;
> }
> try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) {}
> progress = progress + 10;
> } // end of while
> jbProgressBarExample.setText("Start Task Again");
> jlProgressBarExample.setText("Task completed.");
> }
> }; // end of new thread
> thread.start();
> jbProgressBarExample.setText("Cancel Task");
> } else if (buttonText.equals("Cancel Task") == true) {
> stopThreadProgressBarExample = true;
> } // end of if else (comparing strings)
> } else if (source == jbToolBarExample) {
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "You clicked Button 1.",
> } else if (source == jcbToolBarExample) {
> // source is used here to show that selected item can be
> gotten from source
> // instead of using jcbToolBarExample.
> String text = (String)(((JComboBox)source).getSelectedItem());
> if (text.isBlank() == false) {
> text = "You selected \"" + text + "\".";
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> }
> } else if (source == jmiMenuItemExample) {
> String text = "This one program implements examples of
> many swing components.";
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> } else if (source == jcbmiCheckBoxMenuItemExample) {
> if (jcbmiCheckBoxMenuItemExample.isSelected() == true) {
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "You have selected
> check box menu item", "Info", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> } else {
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "You have unselected
> check box menu item", "Info", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> }
> } else if (source == jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem1) {
> jp.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
> } else if (source == jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem2) {
> jp.setBackground(null);
> } else if (source == jmiPopupMenuExample1) {
> LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();
> DateTimeFormatter formatter =
> DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("hh:mm a");
> String text = time.format(formatter);
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Current Time",
> } else if (source == jmiPopupMenuExample2) {
> LocalDate date = LocalDate.now();
> DateTimeFormatter formatter =
> DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-LLL-yyyy");
> String text = date.format(formatter);
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Today's Date",
> } else if (source == jbDialogExample2) {
> jcbDialogExample.setSelectedIndex(0);
> jftfDialogExample.setText("");
> jlistDialogExample.clearSelection();
> jdDialogExample.setVisible(true);
> } else if (source == jbDialogExample1) {
> String text = "";
> boolean error = false;
> String textMonth = "";
> String textYear = "";
> String textCountry = "";
> textMonth = (String)(jcbDialogExample.getSelectedItem());
> if (jftfDialogExample.getValue() != null) {
> textYear = jftfDialogExample.getText();
> }
> if (jlistDialogExample.getSelectedValue() != null) {
> textCountry = (String)(jlistDialogExample.getSelectedValue());
> }
> if (textMonth.isBlank() == true) {
> error = true;
> text = "Please select your month of birth.\n";
> }
> if (textYear.isBlank() == true) {
> error = true;
> text = text + "Please enter your year of birth.\n";
> } else if (Integer.valueOf(textYear) <= 0) {
> error = true;
> text = text + "Please enter a valid year of birth.\n";
> }
> if (textCountry.isBlank() == true) {
> error = true;
> text = text + "Please select your country of birth.\n";
> }
> if (error == true) {
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Error",
> } else {
> text = "";
> text = "Your month of birth is: " + textMonth + "\n";
> text = text + "Your year of birth is: " + textYear + "\n";
> text = text + "Your counry of birth is: " + textCountry + "\n";
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Your
> deatils", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> }
> } else if (source == jbDisplayScrollableDialog) {
> jdScrollableDialogExample.setVisible(true);
> } else if (source == jbCloseScrollableDialog) {
> jdScrollableDialogExample.dispose();
> } else if (source == jbOptionPaneExamplesMessage) {
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "This is a Message
> Dialog Box.", "Message Dialog Box", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> } else if (source == jbOptionPaneExamplesInput) {
> String text = "You entered: ";
> String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jf, "Please
> input some text below:", "Input Dialog Box",
> if (input != null) {
> text = text + input;
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Text you
> entered", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> }
> } else if (source == jbOptionPaneExamplesConfirm) {
> JPasswordField jpf = new JPasswordField();
> int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(jf, jpf,
> "Please input your password", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
> if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
> String text = "Your password is: " + new
> String(jpf.getPassword());
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Your
> password", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> }
> } else if (source == jbOptionPaneExamplesOption) {
> /*
> JRadioButton jrb1 = new JRadioButton("Proceed");
> JRadioButton jrb2 = new JRadioButton("Do not proceed, stop here");
> JRadioButton jrb3 = new JRadioButton("Do not proceed, revert back");
> Object[] objs = {jrb1, jrb2, jrb3, "Submit"};
> */
> Object[] objs = new Object[4];
> objs[0] = new JRadioButton("Proceed");
> objs[1] = new JRadioButton("Do not proceed, stop here");
> objs[2] = new JRadioButton("Do not proceed, revert back");
> objs[3] = "Submit";
> ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();
> bg.add((JRadioButton)(objs[0]));
> bg.add((JRadioButton)(objs[1]));
> bg.add((JRadioButton)(objs[2]));
> int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(jf, "Please
> select a radio button", "Option Dialog Box",
> JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, objs,
> null);
> if (result == 3) { // 3 is the index of "Submit"
> String text = "";
> // if-else-if should be used but I am using ifs only
> to see that whether
> // more than one radio button gets selected or not or
> whether something
> // wrong is happening in UI.
> if ((((JRadioButton)(objs[0]))).isSelected() == true) {
> text = text + "You selected: \"Proceed\".";
> }
> if ((((JRadioButton)(objs[1]))).isSelected() == true) {
> text = text + "You selected: \"Do not proceed,
> stop here\".";
> }
> if ((((JRadioButton)(objs[2]))).isSelected() == true) {
> text = text + "You selected: \"Do not proceed,
> revert back\".";
> }
> if (text.isBlank() == true) {
> text = "Nothing selected.";
> }
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Your selected
> choice", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
> }
> //String text = "Result is: " + result;
> //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> }
> } // end of actionPerformed
> // for JCheckBox and JToggleButton
> @Override
> public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) {
> String text = "";
> Object source = ie.getItemSelectable();
> if ((source == jcb1CheckBoxExample) || (source ==
> jcb2CheckBoxExample) || (source == jcb3CheckBoxExample) || (source ==
> jcb4CheckBoxExample)) {
> if (ie.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
> text = "You selected ";
> } else {
> text = "You unselected ";
> }
> text = text + "\"" + ((JCheckBox)source).getText() + "\".";
> jlCheckBoxExample.setText(text);
> } else if (source == jtbToggleButtonExample) {
> if (jtbToggleButtonExample.isSelected() == true) {
> jtbToggleButtonExample.setText("ON");
> jtbToggleButtonExample.setOpaque(true);
> jtbToggleButtonExample.setBackground(Color.GREEN);
> } else {
> jtbToggleButtonExample.setText("OFF");
> jtbToggleButtonExample.setOpaque(true);
> jtbToggleButtonExample.setBackground(Color.YELLOW);
> }
> }
> } // end of itemStateChanged
> // for JList
> @Override
> public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
> String text = "";
> Object source = lse.getSource();
> if (source == jlistScrollableListExample) {
> List<String> lst =
> jlistScrollableListExample.getSelectedValuesList();
> if (lst.size() <= 0) {
> jlScrollableListExample.setText(text);
> } else {
> text = "Your selected items are: ";
> boolean first = true;
> for (String str : lst) {
> if (first == false) {
> text = text + ", ";
> }
> text = text + str;
> first = false;
> } // end of for loop
> text = text + ".";
> jlScrollableListExample.setText(text);
> } // end of if else
> } // end of if source
> } // end of valueChanged
> // for JSlider, JSpinner, and JColorChooser
> @Override
> public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
> String text = "";
> Object source = ce.getSource();
> if (source == jsSliderExample) {
> JSlider jsSource = (JSlider)source;
> if (!jsSource.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
> int value = (int)(jsSource.getValue());
> text = "The current value from slider is: " + value;
> jlSliderExample.setText(text);
> }
> } else if (source == jsSpinnerExample) {
> JSpinner jspnSource = (JSpinner)source;
> SpinnerModel sm = jspnSource.getModel();
> if (sm instanceof SpinnerNumberModel) {
> text = "The current value from spinner is: " +
> ((SpinnerNumberModel)(sm)).getNumber().intValue();
> jlSpinnerExample.setText(text);
> } else {
> text = "Something went wrong.";
> jlSpinnerExample.setText(text);
> }
> } else if (source == jccColorChooserExample.getSelectionModel()) {
> Color newColor = jccColorChooserExample.getColor();
> jlColorChooserExample.setBackground(newColor);
> }
> } // end of stateChanged
> // for JFormattedTextField
> @Override
> public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) {
> Object source = pce.getSource();
> if (source == jftfFormattedTextFieldExample) {
> double amount =
> ((Number)(jftfFormattedTextFieldExample.getValue())).doubleValue();
> String text = "You entered amount: " + amount;
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, text, "Info",
> }
> } // end of propertyChange
> // for JTree
> @Override
> public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent tse) {
> String text = "";
> Object source = tse.getSource();
> if (source == jtreeScrollableTreeExample) {
> DefaultMutableTreeNode node =
> (DefaultMutableTreeNode)(((JTree)source).getLastSelectedPathComponent());
> if (node == null) {
> jlScrollableTreeExample.setText(text);
> } else {
> text = "You selected: " + node.getUserObject().toString();
> jlScrollableTreeExample.setText(text);
> }
> }
> } // end of valueChanged
> // for JPopupMenu to show up
> @Override
> public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
> //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "Mouse Pressed", "Info",
> if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
> jpmPopupMenuExample.show(e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY());
> }
> } // end of mousePressed
> // for JPopupMenu to show up
> @Override
> public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
> //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf, "Mouse Released", "Info",
> if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
> jpmPopupMenuExample.show(e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY());
> }
> } // end of mouseReleased
> //void createJFrameExample() {
> //jf = SwingLibrary.setupJFrameAndGet("Learn Java Swing GUI
> Programming By Examples", screenWidth, screenHeight);
> //jf = SwingLibrary.setupJFrameAndGet("Learn Java Swing GUI
> Programming By Examples", 0, 0);
> //jf.setVisible(true);
> //} // end of addJFrameExample
> void createScrollableJFrameExample() {
> ArrayList<Object> a =
> SwingLibrary.setupScrollableJFrameAndGetFrameAndPanel("Learn Java
> Swing GUI Programming By Examples", screenWidth, screenHeight + 4500);
> jf = (JFrame)(a.get(0));
> jp = (JPanel)(a.get(1));
> } // end of addScrollableJFrameExample
> void addJButtonExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Button Example", 0, currentYPos, screenWidth,
> componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbButtonExample = SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click Me!",
> this, true, midScreenWidth - 50, currentYPos, buttonWidth,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJButtonExample
> void addJLabelExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Label Example", 0, currentYPos, screenWidth,
> componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("This is a label!",
> true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJLabelExample
> void addToolTipExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Tool Tip Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Hover the mouse
> over me to see the tool tip!", true, Color.GREEN,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth -
> 150, currentYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jl.setToolTipText("This is a tool tip!");
> // show tool tip immediately
> ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setInitialDelay(0);
> // keep tool tip showing
> ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setDismissDelay(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addToolTipExample
> void addJTextFieldExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Text Field Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Enter some text in
> below field:", false, null, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jtfTextFieldExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJTextFieldAndGet(xMargin, currentYPos, screenWidth -
> (xMargin*2), componentHeight);
> jp.add(jtfTextFieldExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbTextFieldExample = SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Submit",
> this, true, midScreenWidth - 50, currentYPos, buttonWidth,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbTextFieldExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJTextFieldExample
> void addJFormattedTextFieldExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Formatted Text Field Example", 0,
> currentYPos, screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Enter some number
> in below formatted field (it accepts numbers only):", false, null,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth -
> 200, currentYPos, 400, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jftfFormattedTextFieldExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJFormattedTextFieldAndGet(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(),
> 1000, this, "value", xMargin, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*2),
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jftfFormattedTextFieldExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbFormattedTextFieldExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to shift focus away from
> formatted field", this, true, midScreenWidth - 200, currentYPos, 400,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbFormattedTextFieldExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJFormattedTextFieldExample
> void addJCheckBoxExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Check Box Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select/Unselect a
> checkbox", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jcb1CheckBoxExample = SwingLibrary.setupJCheckBoxAndGet("One",
> false, this, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jcb1CheckBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jcb2CheckBoxExample = SwingLibrary.setupJCheckBoxAndGet("Two",
> false, this, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jcb2CheckBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jcb3CheckBoxExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJCheckBoxAndGet("Three", false, this, midScreenWidth
> - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jcb3CheckBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jcb4CheckBoxExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJCheckBoxAndGet("Four", false, this, midScreenWidth
> - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jcb4CheckBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jlCheckBoxExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("", true,
> Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlCheckBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJCheckBoxExample
> void addJRadioButtonExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Radio Button Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select a radio
> button", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jrb1RadioButtonExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJRadioButtonAndGet("A", false, this, midScreenWidth
> - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jrb1RadioButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jrb2RadioButtonExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJRadioButtonAndGet("B", false, this, midScreenWidth
> - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jrb2RadioButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jrb3RadioButtonExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJRadioButtonAndGet("C", false, this, midScreenWidth
> - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jrb3RadioButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jrb4RadioButtonExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJRadioButtonAndGet("D", false, this, midScreenWidth
> - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jrb4RadioButtonExample);
> // add all radio buttons to a button group so that only one radio button
> // can be selected at a time
> ButtonGroup bg = SwingLibrary.setupButtonGroupAndGet();
> bg.add(jrb1RadioButtonExample);
> bg.add(jrb2RadioButtonExample);
> bg.add(jrb3RadioButtonExample);
> bg.add(jrb4RadioButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jlRadioButtonExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("",
> true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlRadioButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJRadioButtonExample
> void addJFileChooserExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("File Chooser Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select a file by
> clicking Browse button below:", true, Color.GREEN,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth -
> 150, currentYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + 4;
> jbFileChooserExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Browse", this, true, midScreenWidth -
> 50, currentYPos, buttonWidth, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbFileChooserExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("The path to file that you
> choose will appear below:", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + 4;
> jtfFileChooserExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJTextFieldAndGet(xMargin, currentYPos, screenWidth -
> (xMargin*2), componentHeight);
> jp.add(jtfFileChooserExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJFileChooserExample
> void addJPasswordFieldExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Password Field Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Enter some text
> (password) in below field:", false, null, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jpfPasswordFieldExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJPasswordFieldAndGet(xMargin, currentYPos,
> screenWidth - (xMargin*2), componentHeight);
> jp.add(jpfPasswordFieldExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbPasswordFieldExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Submit", this, true, midScreenWidth -
> 50, currentYPos, buttonWidth, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbPasswordFieldExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJPasswordFieldExample
> void addScrollableJTextAreaExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Scrollable Text Area Example", 0,
> currentYPos, screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Write something in
> Text Area below:", false, null, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jtaTextAreaExample = SwingLibrary.setupJTextAreaAndGet("", 10,
> 100, true, true, true, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
> jspScrollableTextAreaExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupScrollableJTextAreaAndGet(jtaTextAreaExample,
> (xMargin*5)/2, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*5),
> componentHeight*4);
> jp.add(jspScrollableTextAreaExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*4 + vGap;
> jbScrollableTextAreaExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Submit", this, true, midScreenWidth -
> 50, currentYPos, buttonWidth, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbScrollableTextAreaExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addScrollableJTextAreaExample
> void addScrollableJListExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Scrollable List Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select/Unselect
> item(s) from list", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + 4;
> // add items to default list model
> DefaultListModel<String> dlm = new DefaultListModel<>();
> dlm.addElement("One");
> dlm.addElement("Two");
> dlm.addElement("Three");
> dlm.addElement("Four");
> dlm.addElement("Five");
> dlm.addElement("Six");
> dlm.addElement("Seven");
> dlm.addElement("Eight");
> dlm.addElement("Nine");
> dlm.addElement("Ten");
> jlistScrollableListExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJListAndGet(dlm,
> ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, 3, -1, this, false, 0,
> 0, 0, 0);
> jspScrollableListExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupScrollableJListAndGet(jlistScrollableListExample,
> xMargin*4, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*8), componentHeight*4);
> jp.add(jspScrollableListExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*4 + vGap;
> jlScrollableListExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("",
> true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> xMargin, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*2), componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlScrollableListExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addScrollableJListExample
> void addJComboBoxExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Combo Box Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select an item
> from combo box", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + 4;
> // add items to default list model
> DefaultComboBoxModel<String> dcbm = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>();
> dcbm.addElement("");
> dcbm.addElement("A");
> dcbm.addElement("B");
> dcbm.addElement("C");
> dcbm.addElement("D");
> dcbm.addElement("E");
> dcbm.addElement("V");
> dcbm.addElement("W");
> dcbm.addElement("X");
> dcbm.addElement("Y");
> dcbm.addElement("Z");
> jcbComboBoxExample = SwingLibrary.setupJComboBoxAndGet(dcbm,
> 0, this, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jcbComboBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*4 + vGap;
> jlComboBoxExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("", true,
> Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlComboBoxExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJComboBoxExample
> void addJProgressBarExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Progress Bar Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jlProgressBarExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Task
> not started.", false, null, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlProgressBarExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jpbProgressBarExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJProgressBarAndGet(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, 0,
> 100, 0, true, true, true, xMargin, currentYPos, screenWidth -
> (xMargin*2), componentHeight);
> jp.add(jpbProgressBarExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbProgressBarExample = SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Start
> Task", this, true, midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbProgressBarExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJProgressBarExample
> void addJSliderExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Slider Example", 0, currentYPos, screenWidth,
> componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jsSliderExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJSliderAndGet(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 20,
> 1, 10, true, true, this, true, xMargin, currentYPos, screenWidth -
> (xMargin*2), componentHeight*2);
> jp.add(jsSliderExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*2 + vGap;
> jlSliderExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("The current
> value from slider is: 20", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 110, currentYPos, 220,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlSliderExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJSliderExample
> void addScrollableJTreeExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Scrollable Tree Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("You can select any
> node in the tree.", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 110, currentYPos, 220,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + 4;
> // create tree nodes
> DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Names");
> DefaultMutableTreeNode j = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("J");
> DefaultMutableTreeNode james = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("James");
> DefaultMutableTreeNode jerrod = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Jerrod");
> j.add(james);
> j.add(jerrod);
> rootNode.add(j);
> DefaultMutableTreeNode n = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("N");
> DefaultMutableTreeNode nathan = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Nathan");
> DefaultMutableTreeNode nicholas = new
> DefaultMutableTreeNode("Nicholas");
> n.add(nathan);
> n.add(nicholas);
> rootNode.add(n);
> DefaultMutableTreeNode v = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("V");
> DefaultMutableTreeNode vincent = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Vincent");
> v.add(vincent);
> rootNode.add(v);
> jtreeScrollableTreeExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJTreeAndGet(rootNode,
> TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION, this, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
> jspScrollableTreeExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupScrollableJTreeAndGet(jtreeScrollableTreeExample,
> xMargin*4, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*8), componentHeight*4);
> jp.add(jspScrollableTreeExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*4 + vGap;
> jlScrollableTreeExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("",
> true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 110, currentYPos, 220, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlScrollableTreeExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addScrollableJTree example
> void addJSpinnerExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Spinner Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Click on up arrow
> or down arrow of the spinner to set a value.", true, Color.GREEN,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth -
> 200, currentYPos, 400, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*2;
> SpinnerNumberModel snm = new SpinnerNumberModel(20, 1, null, 1);
> jsSpinnerExample = SwingLibrary.setupJSpinnerAndGet(snm,
> false, this, xMargin*4, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*8),
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jsSpinnerExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jlSpinnerExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("The current
> value from spinner is: 20", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlSpinnerExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJSpinnerExample
> void addJColorChooserExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Color Chooser Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jlColorChooserExample = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select
> a color and the background of this label will change to that color.",
> true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 250, currentYPos, 500, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlColorChooserExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*2;
> jccColorChooserExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJColorChooserAndGet(Color.GREEN, true, "Choose a
> color", this, xMargin*2, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*4),
> componentHeight*12);
> jp.add(jccColorChooserExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight*12 + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJColorChooserExample
> void addJOptionPaneExamples() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Option Pane Examples", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbOptionPaneExamplesMessage =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to see the Message Dialog Box",
> this, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbOptionPaneExamplesMessage);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbOptionPaneExamplesInput =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to see the Input Dialog Box",
> this, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbOptionPaneExamplesInput);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbOptionPaneExamplesConfirm =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to see the Confirm Dialog Box",
> this, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbOptionPaneExamplesConfirm);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jbOptionPaneExamplesOption =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to see the Option Dialog Box",
> this, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbOptionPaneExamplesOption);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJOptionPaneExample
> void addJDialogExample() {
> int dialogWidth = 336;
> int dialogHeight = 350;
> int midDialogWidth = dialogWidth/2;
> int jdXPos = 10;
> int jdYPos = 10;
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Dialog Example", 0, currentYPos, screenWidth,
> componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> jdDialogExample = SwingLibrary.setupJDialogAndGet(jf,
> "Details", true, dialogWidth, dialogHeight);
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select your month
> of birth from combo box:", false, null, SwingConstants.LEFT,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, jdXPos, jdYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jdDialogExample.add(jl);
> DefaultComboBoxModel<String> dcbm = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>();
> dcbm.addElement("");
> dcbm.addElement("Jan");
> dcbm.addElement("Feb");
> dcbm.addElement("Mar");
> dcbm.addElement("Apr");
> dcbm.addElement("May");
> dcbm.addElement("Jun");
> dcbm.addElement("Jul");
> dcbm.addElement("Aug");
> dcbm.addElement("Sep");
> dcbm.addElement("Oct");
> dcbm.addElement("Nov");
> dcbm.addElement("Dec");
> jdYPos = jdYPos + componentHeight;
> jcbDialogExample = SwingLibrary.setupJComboBoxAndGet(dcbm, 0,
> null, true, jdXPos, jdYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jdDialogExample.add(jcbDialogExample);
> jdYPos = jdYPos + componentHeight*2;
> jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Enter your year of birth
> in text field (4 digits):", false, null, SwingConstants.LEFT,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, jdXPos, jdYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jdDialogExample.add(jl);
> jdYPos = jdYPos + componentHeight;
> NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
> format.setGroupingUsed(false);
> format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(0);
> format.setMaximumIntegerDigits(4);
> jftfDialogExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJFormattedTextFieldAndGet(format, null, null, null,
> jdXPos, jdYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jdDialogExample.add(jftfDialogExample);
> jdYPos = jdYPos + componentHeight*2;
> jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Select your country of
> birth from list:", false, null, SwingConstants.LEFT,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, jdXPos, jdYPos, 300, componentHeight);
> jdDialogExample.add(jl);
> DefaultListModel<String> dlm = new DefaultListModel<>();
> dlm.addElement("USA");
> dlm.addElement("Outside USA");
> jdYPos = jdYPos + componentHeight;
> jlistDialogExample = SwingLibrary.setupJListAndGet(dlm,
> ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION, 2, -1, null, true, jdXPos,
> jdYPos, 300, componentHeight*2 - 14);
> jdDialogExample.add(jlistDialogExample);
> jdYPos = jdYPos + componentHeight*3;
> jbDialogExample1 = SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Submit",
> this, true, midDialogWidth - 50, jdYPos, 100, componentHeight);
> jdDialogExample.add(jbDialogExample1);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jbDialogExample2 = SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to
> see the dialog box", this, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos,
> buttonWidth*3, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbDialogExample2);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJDialogExample
> void addScrollableJDialogExample() {
> int dialogWidth = 400;
> int dialogHeight = 400;
> int midDialogWidth = dialogWidth/2;
> int panelWidth = 420;
> int panelHeight = 570;
> int jdYPos = 10;
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Scrollable Dialog Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> ArrayList<Object> a =
> SwingLibrary.setupScrollableJDialogAndGetDialogAndPanel(jf, "List of
> Labels", true, dialogWidth, dialogHeight, panelWidth, panelHeight);
> jdScrollableDialogExample = (JDialog)(a.get(0));
> jpScrollableDialogPanel = (JPanel)(a.get(1));
> JLabel jl = null;
> String text = null;
> for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
> text = "This is label " + (i + 1);
> jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet(text, true,
> Color.BLACK, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, 10,
> jdYPos, 400, componentHeight);
> jl.setForeground(Color.WHITE);
> jdYPos = jdYPos + 35;
> jpScrollableDialogPanel.add(jl);
> }
> jbCloseScrollableDialog =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Close", this, true, midDialogWidth -
> 50, jdYPos, 100, componentHeight);
> jpScrollableDialogPanel.add(jbCloseScrollableDialog);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight;
> jbDisplayScrollableDialog =
> SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Click to see the scrollable dialog
> box", this, true, midScreenWidth - 150, currentYPos, buttonWidth*3,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jbDisplayScrollableDialog);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addScrollableJDialogExample
> void addJPopupMenuExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Popup Menu Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jlPopupMenuExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Right click anywhere in the frame to
> the see the popup menu.", true, Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER,
> SwingConstants.CENTER, true, midScreenWidth - 250, currentYPos, 500,
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlPopupMenuExample);
> jpmPopupMenuExample = new JPopupMenu("Popup Menu");
> jmiPopupMenuExample1 = SwingLibrary.setupJMenuItemAndGet("Show
> current time", this, null, null, null);
> jpmPopupMenuExample.add(jmiPopupMenuExample1);
> jpmPopupMenuExample.addSeparator();
> jmiPopupMenuExample2 = SwingLibrary.setupJMenuItemAndGet("Show
> today's date", this, null, null, null);
> jpmPopupMenuExample.add(jmiPopupMenuExample2);
> // Add mouse listener on JPanel so that clicking anywhere on
> JPanel will bring up the popup menu.
> jp.addMouseListener(this);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJPopupMenuExample
> void addJToggleButtonExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Toggle Button Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> jtbToggleButtonExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJToggleButtonAndGet("OFF", this, true, Color.YELLOW,
> true, midScreenWidth - 50, currentYPos, buttonWidth, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jtbToggleButtonExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJToggleButtonExample
> void addJSeparatorExample() {
> currentYPos = currentYPos + vGap;
> addHeadingLabel("Separator Example", 0, currentYPos,
> screenWidth, componentHeight);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JLabel jlSeparatorExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("Below are the separators.", true,
> Color.GREEN, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> midScreenWidth - 100, currentYPos, 200, componentHeight);
> jp.add(jlSeparatorExample);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JSeparator sep1 =
> SwingLibrary.setupJSeparatorAndGet(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL,
> Color.YELLOW, true, xMargin*2, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*4),
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(sep1);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> JSeparator sep2 =
> SwingLibrary.setupJSeparatorAndGet(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL,
> Color.GREEN, true, xMargin*2, currentYPos, screenWidth - (xMargin*4),
> componentHeight);
> jp.add(sep2);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + componentHeight + vGap;
> addLineLabel(currentYPos);
> } // end of addJSeparatorExample
> void addJToolBarExample() {
> JToolBar jtbToolBarExample = new JToolBar("Tool Bar",
> SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL);
> jbToolBarExample = SwingLibrary.setupJButtonAndGet("Button 1",
> this, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
> jtbToolBarExample.add(jbToolBarExample);
> jtbToolBarExample.addSeparator();
> // Now, add a combo box to tool bar
> DefaultComboBoxModel<String> dcbm = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>();
> dcbm.addElement("");
> dcbm.addElement("Item 1");
> dcbm.addElement("Item 2");
> dcbm.addElement("Item 3");
> dcbm.addElement("Item 4");
> jcbToolBarExample = SwingLibrary.setupJComboBoxAndGet(dcbm, 0,
> this, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
> jtbToolBarExample.add(jcbToolBarExample);
> //jtbToolBarExample.setBorderPainted(true);
> jf.add(jtbToolBarExample, BorderLayout.NORTH);
> } // end of addJToolBarExample
> void addJMenuItemsExample() {
> KeyStroke k = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_I,
> InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
> jmb = SwingLibrary.setupJMenuBarAndGet(null, Color.GREEN);
> jm = SwingLibrary.setupJMenuAndGet("Help", Color.BLACK, Color.YELLOW);
> jmSubMenu = SwingLibrary.setupJMenuAndGet("More Help",
> Color.BLUE, Color.YELLOW);
> jmiMenuItemExample =
> SwingLibrary.setupJMenuItemAndGet("About", this, k, null,
> Color.WHITE);
> jcbmiCheckBoxMenuItemExample = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Show a
> message dialog box");
> jcbmiCheckBoxMenuItemExample.addActionListener(this);
> jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem1 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Change
> background color to white");
> jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem1.addActionListener(this);
> jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem2 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Change
> background color to default");
> jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem2.addActionListener(this);
> ButtonGroup bg = SwingLibrary.setupButtonGroupAndGet();
> bg.add(jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem1);
> bg.add(jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem2);
> jmSubMenu.add(jmiMenuItemExample);
> jmSubMenu.addSeparator();
> jmSubMenu.add(jcbmiCheckBoxMenuItemExample);
> jmSubMenu.addSeparator();
> jmSubMenu.add(jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem1);
> jmSubMenu.add(jrbmiRadioButtonMenuItem2);
> jm.add(jmSubMenu);
> jmb.add(jm);
> jf.setJMenuBar(jmb);
> } // end of addJMenuItemsExample
> void createAndShowSwingGUIExamples() {
> //createJFrameExample();
> createScrollableJFrameExample();
> addJButtonExample();
> addJLabelExample();
> addToolTipExample();
> addJTextFieldExample();
> addJFormattedTextFieldExample();
> addJCheckBoxExample();
> addJRadioButtonExample();
> addJFileChooserExample();
> addJPasswordFieldExample();
> addScrollableJTextAreaExample();
> addScrollableJListExample();
> addJComboBoxExample();
> addJProgressBarExample();
> addJSliderExample();
> addScrollableJTreeExample();
> addJSpinnerExample();
> addJColorChooserExample();
> addJOptionPaneExamples();
> addJDialogExample();
> addScrollableJDialogExample();
> addJPopupMenuExample();
> addJToggleButtonExample();
> addJSeparatorExample();
> addJToolBarExample();
> addJMenuItemsExample();
> // Frame has been created, all examples have been added, now
> show the frame
> jf.setVisible(true);
> } // end of createAndShowSwingExamples
> void addHeadingLabel(String text, int xpos, int ypos, int width,
> int height) {
> //JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet(text, true,
> Color.YELLOW, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true,
> xpos, ypos, width, height);
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet(text, true,
> lightBlue, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, xpos,
> ypos, width, height);
> jp.add(jl);
> } // end of addHeadingLabel
> void addLineLabel(int ypos) {
> JLabel jl = SwingLibrary.setupJLabelAndGet("", true,
> Color.BLACK, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER, true, 0,
> ypos, screenWidth, lineLabelHeight);
> jp.add(jl);
> currentYPos = currentYPos + lineLabelHeight;
> } // end of addLineLabel
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> Examples_Of_Many_Swing_Components_In_One_Program eomsciop =
> new Examples_Of_Many_Swing_Components_In_One_Program();
> eomsciop.createAndShowSwingGUIExamples();
> } // end of main
> } // end of Examples_Of_Many_Swing_Components_In_One_Program
> class SwingLibrary {
> // if width is 0 then the frame is maximized horizontally
> // if height is 0 then the frame is maximized vertically
> public static JFrame setupJFrameAndGet(String title, int width,
> int height) {
> int state = 0;
> JFrame tmpJF = new JFrame(title);
> if (width == 0) {
> state = state | JFrame.MAXIMIZED_HORIZ;
> }
> if (height == 0) {
> state = state | JFrame.MAXIMIZED_VERT;
> }
> if ((width != 0) || (height != 0)) {
> tmpJF.setSize(width, height);
> }
> tmpJF.setExtendedState(tmpJF.getExtendedState() | state);
> tmpJF.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
> tmpJF.setLayout(null);
> tmpJF.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
> return tmpJF;
> } // end of setupJFrameAndGet
> // width and height are the preferred width and height of JPanel
> public static ArrayList<Object>
> setupScrollableJFrameAndGetFrameAndPanel(String title, int width, int
> height) {
> JFrame tmpJF = new JFrame(title);
> tmpJF.setExtendedState(tmpJF.getExtendedState() |
> tmpJF.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
> //tmpJF.setLayout(null);
> JPanel tmpJP = new JPanel();
> //tmpJP.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width + 1000, height + 1000);
> tmpJP.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
> tmpJP.setLayout(null);
> JScrollPane tmpJSPFrame = new JScrollPane(tmpJP,
> tmpJSPFrame.getHorizontalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10);
> tmpJSPFrame.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10);
> tmpJF.add(tmpJSPFrame);
> ArrayList<Object> tmpA = new ArrayList<>();
> tmpA.add((Object) (tmpJF));
> tmpA.add((Object) (tmpJP));
> return tmpA;
> } // end of setupScrollableJFrameAndGetFrameAndPanel
> // actLisObj: object which implements action listener
> public static JButton setupJButtonAndGet(String text, Object
> actLisObj, boolean setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int
> height) {
> JButton tmpJB = new JButton(text);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJB.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> tmpJB.addActionListener((ActionListener) actLisObj);
> return tmpJB;
> } // end of setupJButtonAndGet
> // halign: horizontal alignment of text, valign: vertical alignment of text
> public static JLabel setupJLabelAndGet(String text, boolean
> opaque, Color bg, int halign, int valign, boolean setBoundsFlag, int
> xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JLabel tmpJL = new JLabel(text);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJL.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> tmpJL.setOpaque(opaque);
> if (bg != null) {
> tmpJL.setBackground(bg);
> }
> tmpJL.setHorizontalAlignment(halign);
> tmpJL.setVerticalAlignment(valign);
> return tmpJL;
> } // end of setupJlabelAndGet
> public static JTextField setupJTextFieldAndGet(int xpos, int ypos,
> int width, int height) {
> JTextField tmpJTF = new JTextField();
> tmpJTF.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJTF;
> } // end of setupJTextFieldAndGet
> public static JFormattedTextField
> setupJFormattedTextFieldAndGet(Format fmt, Object initialVal, Object
> propertyChangeLis, String propertyToListenFor, int xpos, int ypos, int
> width, int height) {
> JFormattedTextField tmpJFTF = new JFormattedTextField(fmt);
> tmpJFTF.setValue(initialVal);
> tmpJFTF.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyToListenFor,
> (PropertyChangeListener) propertyChangeLis);
> tmpJFTF.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJFTF;
> } // end of setupJFormattedTextFieldAndGet
> // itemLisObj: object which implements item listener
> public static JCheckBox setupJCheckBoxAndGet(String text, boolean
> state, Object itemLisObj, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JCheckBox tmpJCB = new JCheckBox(text, state);
> tmpJCB.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> tmpJCB.addItemListener((ItemListener) itemLisObj);
> return tmpJCB;
> } // end of setupJCheckBoxAndGet
> // actLisObj: object which implements action listener
> public static JRadioButton setupJRadioButtonAndGet(String text,
> boolean state, Object actLisObj, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int
> height) {
> JRadioButton tmpJRB = new JRadioButton(text, state);
> tmpJRB.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> tmpJRB.addActionListener((ActionListener) actLisObj);
> return tmpJRB;
> } // end of setupJRadioButtonAndGet
> public static ButtonGroup setupButtonGroupAndGet() {
> return new ButtonGroup();
> } // end of setupButtonGroupAndGet
> public static JPasswordField setupJPasswordFieldAndGet(int xpos,
> int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JPasswordField tmpJPF = new JPasswordField();
> tmpJPF.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJPF;
> } // end of setupJPasswordFieldAndGet
> public static JTextArea setupJTextAreaAndGet(String text, int
> rows, int columns, boolean setEditableFlag, boolean setLineWrapFlag,
> boolean setWrapStyleWordFlag, boolean setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int
> ypos, int width, int height) {
> JTextArea tmpJTA = new JTextArea(text, rows, columns);
> tmpJTA.setEditable(setEditableFlag);
> tmpJTA.setLineWrap(setLineWrapFlag);
> tmpJTA.setWrapStyleWord(setWrapStyleWordFlag);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJTA.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJTA;
> } // end of setupJTextAreaAndGet
> public static JScrollPane setupScrollableJTextAreaAndGet(JTextArea
> jta, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JScrollPane tmpJSP = new JScrollPane(jta);
> tmpJSP.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJSP;
> } // end of setupScrollableJTextAreaAndGet
> public static JList<String> setupJListAndGet(ListModel<String> lm,
> int selectionMode, int visibleRowCount, int initialSelectedIndex,
> Object listSelLisObj, boolean setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int ypos, int
> width, int height) {
> JList<String> tmpJList = new JList<>(lm);
> tmpJList.setSelectionMode(selectionMode);
> tmpJList.setVisibleRowCount(visibleRowCount);
> if (initialSelectedIndex >= 0) {
> tmpJList.setSelectedIndex(initialSelectedIndex);
> }
> tmpJList.addListSelectionListener((ListSelectionListener)
> listSelLisObj);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJList.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJList;
> } // end of setupJListAndGet
> public static JScrollPane setupScrollableJListAndGet(JList jlist,
> int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JScrollPane tmpJSP = new JScrollPane(jlist);
> tmpJSP.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJSP;
> } // end of setupScrollableJListAndGet
> public static JComboBox<String>
> setupJComboBoxAndGet(ComboBoxModel<String> cbm, int
> initialSelectedIndex, Object actLisObj, boolean setBoundsFlag, int
> xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JComboBox<String> tmpJComboBox = new JComboBox<>(cbm);
> if (initialSelectedIndex >= 0) {
> tmpJComboBox.setSelectedIndex(initialSelectedIndex);
> }
> tmpJComboBox.addActionListener((ActionListener) actLisObj);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJComboBox.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJComboBox;
> } // end of setupJComboBoxAndGet
> public static JProgressBar setupJProgressBarAndGet(int
> orientation, int min, int max, int initialVal, boolean
> borderPaintedFlag, boolean stringPaintedFlag, boolean setBoundsFlag,
> int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JProgressBar tmpJPB = new JProgressBar(orientation, min, max);
> tmpJPB.setValue(initialVal);
> tmpJPB.setBorderPainted(borderPaintedFlag);
> tmpJPB.setStringPainted(stringPaintedFlag);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJPB.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJPB;
> } // end of setupJProgressBarAndGet
> public static JSlider setupJSliderAndGet(int orientation, int min,
> int max, int initialVal, int minorTickSpacing, int majorTickSpacing,
> boolean paintTicksFlag, boolean paintLabelsFlag, Object changeLisObj,
> boolean setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JSlider tmpJS = new JSlider(orientation, min, max, initialVal);
> tmpJS.setMinorTickSpacing(minorTickSpacing);
> tmpJS.setMajorTickSpacing(majorTickSpacing);
> tmpJS.setPaintTicks(paintTicksFlag);
> tmpJS.setPaintLabels(paintLabelsFlag);
> tmpJS.addChangeListener((ChangeListener) changeLisObj);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJS.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJS;
> } // end of setupJSliderAndGet
> public static JTree setupJTreeAndGet(DefaultMutableTreeNode
> rootNode, int selectionMode, Object treeSelLisObj, boolean
> setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JTree tmpJTree = new JTree(rootNode);
> tmpJTree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(selectionMode);
> tmpJTree.addTreeSelectionListener((TreeSelectionListener)
> treeSelLisObj);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJTree.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJTree;
> } // end of setupJTreeAndGet
> public static JScrollPane setupScrollableJTreeAndGet(JTree jtree,
> int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JScrollPane tmpJSP = new JScrollPane(jtree);
> tmpJSP.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJSP;
> } // end of setupScrollableJTreeAndGet
> public static JSpinner setupJSpinnerAndGet(SpinnerModel sm,
> boolean editableFlag, Object spinnerChangeLisObj, int xpos, int ypos,
> int width, int height) {
> JSpinner tmpJSPN = new JSpinner(sm);
> tmpJSPN.addChangeListener((ChangeListener) spinnerChangeLisObj);
> if (editableFlag == false) {
> JComponent editor = tmpJSPN.getEditor();
> if (editor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) {
> ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor)
> editor).getTextField().setEditable(editableFlag);
> } else {
> System.out.println("Error: Could not set editableFlag
> for JSpinner.");
> }
> }
> tmpJSPN.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJSPN;
> } // end of setupJSpinnerAndGet
> public static JColorChooser setupJColorChooserAndGet(Color
> initialColor, boolean borderTitleFlag, String borderTitle, Object
> colorChooserChangeLisObj, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JColorChooser tmpJCC = new JColorChooser(initialColor);
> tmpJCC.getSelectionModel().addChangeListener((ChangeListener)
> colorChooserChangeLisObj);
> if (borderTitleFlag == true) {
> tmpJCC.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(borderTitle));
> }
> tmpJCC.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> return tmpJCC;
> } // end of setupJColorChooserAndGet
> public static JDialog setupJDialogAndGet(Frame owner, String
> title, boolean modal, int width, int height) {
> JDialog tmpJD = new JDialog(owner, title, modal);
> tmpJD.setSize(width, height);
> tmpJD.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
> tmpJD.setLayout(null);
> tmpJD.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
> return tmpJD;
> } // end of setupJDialogAndGet
> public static ArrayList<Object>
> setupScrollableJDialogAndGetDialogAndPanel(Frame owner, String title,
> boolean modal, int dialogWidth, int dialogHeight, int panelWidth, int
> panelHeight) {
> JDialog tmpJD = new JDialog(owner, title, modal);
> tmpJD.setSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight);
> tmpJD.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
> tmpJD.setLayout(null);
> tmpJD.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
> JPanel tmpJP = new JPanel();
> tmpJP.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(panelWidth, panelHeight));
> tmpJP.setLayout(null);
> ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane(ScrollPane.SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS);
> sp.getHAdjustable().setUnitIncrement(10);
> sp.getVAdjustable().setUnitIncrement(10);
> sp.add(tmpJP);
> tmpJD.getRootPane().setContentPane(sp);
> ArrayList<Object> tmpA = new ArrayList<>();
> tmpA.add((Object) (tmpJD));
> tmpA.add((Object) (tmpJP));
> return tmpA;
> } // end of setupScrollableJDialogAndGetDialogAndPanel
> public static JToggleButton setupJToggleButtonAndGet(String text,
> Object itemLisObj, boolean opaque, Color bgcolor, boolean
> setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) {
> JToggleButton tmpJTB = new JToggleButton(text);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJTB.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> tmpJTB.addItemListener((ItemListener) itemLisObj);
> tmpJTB.setOpaque(opaque);
> tmpJTB.setBackground(bgcolor);
> return tmpJTB;
> } // end of setupJToggleButtonAndGet
> public static JSeparator setupJSeparatorAndGet(int orientation,
> Color bgcolor, boolean setBoundsFlag, int xpos, int ypos, int width,
> int height) {
> JSeparator tmpJS = new JSeparator(orientation);
> tmpJS.setBackground(bgcolor);
> if (setBoundsFlag == true) {
> tmpJS.setBounds(xpos, ypos, width, height);
> }
> return tmpJS;
> } // end of setupJSeparatorAndGet
> public static JMenuBar setupJMenuBarAndGet(Color fgcolor, Color bgcolor) {
> JMenuBar tmpJMB = new JMenuBar();
> tmpJMB.setOpaque(true);
> tmpJMB.setForeground(fgcolor);
> tmpJMB.setBackground(bgcolor);
> return tmpJMB;
> } // end of setupJMenuBarAndGet
> public static JMenu setupJMenuAndGet(String text, Color fgcolor,
> Color bgcolor) {
> JMenu tmpJM = new JMenu(text);
> tmpJM.setOpaque(true);
> tmpJM.setForeground(fgcolor);
> tmpJM.setBackground(bgcolor);
> return tmpJM;
> } // end of setupJMenuAndGet
> public static JMenuItem setupJMenuItemAndGet(String text, Object
> actLisObj, KeyStroke k, Color fgcolor, Color bgcolor) {
> JMenuItem tmpJMI = new JMenuItem(text);
> tmpJMI.setOpaque(true);
> tmpJMI.setForeground(fgcolor);
> tmpJMI.setBackground(bgcolor);
> tmpJMI.setAccelerator(k);
> if (actLisObj != null) {
> tmpJMI.addActionListener((ActionListener) actLisObj);
> }
> return tmpJMI;
> } // end of setupJMenuItemAndGet
> } // end of SwingLibrary
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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