[External] : Re: Jpackage OS/X DMG install Application folder alias name incorrectly shows as path with /

Alexander Matveev alexander.matveev at oracle.com
Mon Oct 31 22:56:39 UTC 2022

Hi Michael,

On Oct 31, 2022, at 2:40 PM, Michael Hall <mik3hall at gmail.com<mailto:mik3hall at gmail.com>> wrote:

On Oct 31, 2022, at 4:17 PM, Alexander Matveev <alexander.matveev at oracle.com<mailto:alexander.matveev at oracle.com>> wrote:

Hi Michael,

Hello Alexander,

If I understood correctly you asking for several things:

1) Change “/Applications” to “Applications”. I agree and we should fix it if possible. Did you file a bug for it? If not I can file.

I thought I did but haven’t received a number yet.
I did not able to find a bug you filed, so filed a new one:

2) Resize DMG window to show additional content which was added via --mac-dmg-content, so user does not have to scroll or manually resize window? I think we can investigate this, but I think we still need to limit by how many additional files we want to display in case if user adds for example 100 files (very unlikely). Do you want to file enhancement for this? Or I can do it.

Not only resize the window but also the icons. It gives you a better appearance than the current. I’m not sure you want to police the number of files, that would be up the user. Usually I don’t think anyone is going to include anywhere near that. I saw a few dmg’s on my machine that had two or three extra files.
I filed https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8296156 for this.


3) From your email "SceneBuilder OS/X DMG’s” do you mean provide ability to localize “Applications” folder name? I think we can do this, but user will need to produce separate localized DMG for each language.

I don’t know that I had any responses indicating anyone is doing this or wants it. I wasn’t sure if you already were doing any localizing. If not, I don’t think its a current concern.

I already implemented changes for this. I signed the OCA so thought I might attempt the update. No clue right now what that really involves. So with the OCA signed you could probably just go ahead with my changes if you want?

I posted the change to MacDmgBundler in my prior. My changed DMGsetup.scpt is…

tell application "Finder"
 set theDisk to a reference to (disks whose URL = "DEPLOY_VOLUME_URL")
 open theDisk

 set theWindow to a reference to (container window of disks whose URL = "DEPLOY_VOLUME_URL")

 set current view of theWindow to icon view
 set toolbar visible of theWindow to false
 set statusbar visible of theWindow to false

 -- size of window should fit the size of background
 set the bounds of theWindow to {400, 100, 920, 480}

 set theViewOptions to a reference to the icon view options of theWindow
 set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
 set icon size of theViewOptions to "DEPLOY_ICON_SIZE"
 set background picture of theViewOptions to POSIX file "DEPLOY_BG_FILE"

 -- Create alias for install location
 make new alias file at POSIX file "DEPLOY_VOLUME_PATH" to POSIX file "DEPLOY_INSTALL_LOCATION" with properties {name:"Applications"}

 set allTheFiles to the name of every item of theWindow
 set xpos to 120
 repeat with theFile in allTheFiles
   set theFilePath to POSIX path of theFile
   set appFilePath to POSIX path of "/DEPLOY_TARGET"
   if theFilePath is "DEPLOY_INSTALL_LOCATION" then
     -- Position install location
     set position of item theFile of theWindow to {390, 130}
   else if theFilePath ends with appFilePath then
     -- Position application or runtime
     set position of item theFile of theWindow to {120, 130}
     -- Position all other items in a second row.
     set position of item theFile of theWindow to {xpos, 290}
     set xpos to xpos + 95
   end if
 end repeat

 update theDisk without registering applications
 delay 5
 close (get window of theDisk)
end tell

If you want to use that.

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