jpackage OS/X --app-image signing

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Mon Sep 5 23:15:33 UTC 2022

The 19 release candidate appears to have new issues on this?

java --version
openjdk 19 2022-09-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 19+36-2238)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19+36-2238, mixed mode, sharing)

which jpackage
jpackage: aliased to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-19.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/jpackage

jpackage --version

jpackage --type app-image --app-image ~/Blackjack_Blastoff/bjb/bjb_jpkg/BlackJack\ --mac-sign --mac-signing-key-user-name "Developer ID Application: Michael Hall (5X6BXQB3Q7)"                                  
Error: app-image dir (/Users/mjh/Blackjack_Blastoff/bjb/bjb_jpkg/BlackJack generated by another jpackage version or malformed .jpackage.xml

ls -l
total 4224
drwxr-xr-x  3 mjh  staff       96 Sep  5 17:50 BlackJack

I don’t think any information is included in the Info.plist or anywhere else that indicates which jpackage version was used to build it. (Maybe an idea?)
But I did recreate with the newly installed 19 release candidate. 
I’m not sure what the .jpackage.xml is about?

ls -l .jpackage.xml
ls: .jpackage.xml: No such file or directory

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