Sequenced Collections

John Hendrikx john.hendrikx at
Wed Sep 21 11:22:50 UTC 2022

I don't see why you think a general collection, that is in 99.9% of the 
cases not used to implement an MRU, should burden every call to #add 
with a check to see if it isn't exceeding its maximum size or to see if 
a maximum size has been set.

This is much better done by composition, as I don't think all methods 
offered by `Collection` should even be part of an `MRU` interface.


On 20/09/2022 21:08, Ernie Rael wrote:
> (There may be a better place to send this, let me know where)
> Suggesting an option to limit the size of the collection, e.g 
> "setMaxSize(int)", default of zero means no limit.
> I put together "interface MRU<E> extends Collection<E>" some months 
> ago, it has two implementations based on LinkedList and LinkedHashSet. 
> The code can be seen at 
> A SequencedCollection, as outlined in the JEP draft 2020/09/01, would 
> be almost perfect to implement MRU; I've run into most of the 
> problems/issues discussed in the JEP draft.
> The MRU is a cache, as I use it; it typically has a max size for the 
> collection. Handling this natively in the collection would be ideal; 
> if an add operation would overflow, remove the item at the other end. 
> Note that addAll() is used when initializing from backing store.
> FYI, I use a "Supplier<Integer>" to the constructor to provide 
> maxSize, but a property makes much more sense. I'll make that change 
> in MRU for sanity, and get rid of the trim() method. setMaxSize can do 
> the trim.
> -ernie

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