[BUG]Collections.unmodifiableMap(map).entrySet().iterator().forEachRemaining ismissing null check

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Wed Sep 21 21:19:01 UTC 2022

Thanks for filing this. This was (some time ago) moved into the main bug database:



On 8/12/22 7:05 AM, Rob Spoor wrote:
> I found one similar issue, https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8015008, but that was 
> for an empty primitive iterator. I've created a bug report with id 9073784.
> On 11/08/2022 01:24, some-java-user-99206970363698485155 at vodafonemail.de wrote:
>> Hi,
>> could you please report this at https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/
>> (please also first search at 
>> https://bugs.openjdk.org/issues?jql=project%3DJDK%20AND%20issuetype%3DBug
>> whether it has already been reported).
>> This also seems to affect the `CheckedEntrySet`; would be good if you could 
>> mention that
>> in your report as well.
>> I think the easiest reproducers for this can be created with an empty map:
>> ```
>> Collections.unmodifiableMap(Map.of()).entrySet().iterator().forEachRemaining(null)
>> Collections.checkedMap(Map.of(), String.class, 
>> String.class).entrySet().iterator().forEachRemaining(null)
>> ```
>> Per specification both calls should throw a NullPointerException, but they don't 
>> throw it.
>> Might also be worth recommending to the JDK authors to perform the null check in 
>> the internal
>> `entryConsumer` method to avoid having it repeated 4 times, once for each caller. 
>> The `CheckedEntrySet`
>> would still need a separate null check though.
>> Kind regards

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