RFE: SequenceInputStream - Consider new issue for PR #11718

Benjamin Marwell bmarwell at apache.org
Sat Apr 8 15:36:35 UTC 2023

Dear Core-Devs,

There was a PR created for an enhancement of SequenceInputStream [1]
by Romain Manni-Buceau.

Description by Romain:

> enumeration(list) will create an enumeration, a list and an iterator whereas the impl only requires an iterator
> this PR drops the enumeration wrapper for binary constructor and just maps the enumeration to an iterator for the other case which should be a better compromise in practise.
> Another side but nice effect is to have some lighter classloading (subgraph)

As the both of us do not have access to the OpenJDK bug tracker,
kindly open an issue for this PR if you agree with this

[1]: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/11718

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