Draft: Deprecate toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() and provide locale insensitive alternative
Roger Riggs
roger.riggs at oracle.com
Thu Apr 13 14:12:50 UTC 2023
In my experience, it will take longer to agree on the deprecation than
adding a simple API with known semantics.
An important element of the deprecation messaging is the potential
Having the replacement in hand gives a clear message and action that can
be scripted.
IDE's would also be able to suggest and apply.
And yes, it is a problem to cause many warnings; it creates an immediate
and pressing need for projects that have tight source requirements and
don't allow warnings, for example, the JDK itself.
An expectation-wise, the June 8 Rampdown Phase One is closer than it
There are significant number of projects that are queuing up to beat the
deadline, but compete for resources to review.
Regards, Roger
On 4/13/23 3:34 AM, Glavo wrote:
> Deprecating the existing methods would cause lots of warnings and
> provide little actual improvement.
> I don't think there is only little actual improvement.
> **Almost all** use cases of these two methods are misuse. Even the
> correct use
> of them is not recommended, as there are too many misuses, making it
> difficult
> to distinguish between correct use and misuse. Replacing them with
> toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) can express intentions more clearly.
> So is it a problem to cause many warnings? I think it's obviously not.
> Even these misuses happen to work in most locales, not dealing with
> them is just
> burying the head in the sand.
> The topics of deprecation and a new API should be treated separately,
> they have different costs and benefits.
> This PR is now only deprecating the old method.
> I plan to perform a set of tasks in parallel:
> * Create a series of PRs to replace their use cases module by module with
> toLowerCase(Locale)/toUpperCase(Locale);
> * Determine the naming of the new methods and then create a PR to
> implement it;
> * Deprecate the old methods.
> If no one has any objections to this, I would like to start them
> immediately as
> I hope to complete them before Java 21.
> After the above work is completed, I can gradually replace
> `toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)`/`toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)`
> with the new API. This work is not urgent and can be carried out at
> any time.
> Glavo
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 4:27 AM Roger Riggs <roger.riggs at oracle.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> The status quo takes a balance between trying do the right thing and
> creating a headache for lots of developers.
> Deprecating the existing methods would cause lots of warnings and
> provide little actual improvement.
> Except in a few locales, the output would be the same as today.
> If you're working in a locale where it matters, it has become
> habit to
> use Locale.root everywhere.
> The most positive suggestion from the January thread [1] was to
> fix the
> uses in the JDK in small batches and carefully review each to make
> sure
> there are no unintended consequences. Even replacing the existing
> uses
> with a new method requires the same cautious approach. Adding new
> methods was also mentioned.
> The topics of deprecation and a new API should be treated separately,
> they have different costs and benefits.
> As observed, coming to agreement on the naming is likely the hard
> part.
> You might want to start a discussion about that; but it may be too
> soon
> for a PR.
> Regards, Roger
> On 4/11/23 4:02 PM, Glavo wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > A few months ago, I discussed in this mailing list[1] whether
> > toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() should be deprecated.
> > At that time, I received some approval and no one opposed the
> > idea. Therefore, I thought it might be time
> > to continue advancing this work, so I created a PR[2] for this.
> >
> > This PR is still a draft, welcome to discuss it there.
> >
> > I don't have much experience in contributing to OpenJDK yet, so
> I also
> > hope to get the help of experienced
> > contributors (such as creating CSR). Thanks!
> >
> > Glavo
> >
> > [1]
> >
> https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2023-January/099375.html
> > [2] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/13434
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/13434__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!PgzNhsfRigH2Aep5P5810AJ-DSVnZjjOvHTWJac-KQ_TT7fySzsLYqVMqNFai_YcDTi0mAz9JgMHyp2JxxI$>
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