Discussion: Prefer passing MethodHandles.Lookup over @CallerSensitive

mandy.chung at oracle.com mandy.chung at oracle.com
Fri Apr 21 21:37:07 UTC 2023

On 4/21/23 1:58 PM, Johannes Kuhn wrote:
>>> 5. Making existing methods @CallerSensitive can lead to small 
>>> backwards compatibility issues - as the public lookup can't lookup 
>>> those methods anymore.
>> Can you explain what you observe about this?   Public lookup has 
>> access to public members of public classes in packages that are 
>> exported unconditionally.    @CS should have no impact to public lookup.
> This line works with Java 7 - 16:
>     MethodHandles.publicLookup().findStatic(System.class, 
> "setSecurityManager", MethodType.methodType(void.class, 
> SecurityManager.class));
> In Java 17 System::setSecurityManager is now @CS - for a good reason - 
> but such a change can break existing code, which should be considered. 

Yes, this is an unfortunate case that we didn't catch this 
incompatibility.  @CS System::setSecurityManager is another category 
which I can't think of a better term yet and so just call it 
"serviceability or reliability" - setSecurityManager uses the caller to 
emit warning with caller information to provide better guidance.   As 
more runtime will be implemented in Java than in native, we may see more 
of this.

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