[Proposal] Make toLowerCase and toUpperCase based on Locale.ROOT by default

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Fri Jan 27 17:24:38 UTC 2023


Unfortunately, it would be too disruptive to change the decades old 


On 1/27/23 3:53 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 27/01/2023 05:42, Glavo wrote:
>> I analyzed the usage of toLowerCase and toUpperCase in OpenJDK more 
>> carefully,
>>  and found that none of the use cases really expected locale-sensitive 
>> behavior
> I expected that as there were a number of passes over these use-sites 
> over the years. That said, if some of the remaining usages can be 
> changed to specify the locale then it would avoid others puzzling over 
> them too. Changing them probably needs careful review so changing them 
> in specific areas or in smaller batches would make it easier for 
> potential Reviewers.
> In any case, I agree with Rémi that changing the existing methods is too 
> subtle and maybe it's time to look at no-arg replacements.
> -Alan

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