Testing no memory leak occurs via references

Roger Riggs roger.riggs at oracle.com
Mon Mar 6 15:04:07 UTC 2023

Hi Albert,

The only  downside of the WhiteBox API is the need to link and run with 
native code.
It make adhoc testing more difficult.

I would not say ForceGC relies on chance, since it is testing the 
specific condition as requested by the caller.
It uses mechanisms available to normal applications and conditions they 
would encounter and not wait longer than necessary.

Regards, Roger

On 3/6/23 8:51 AM, Albert Yang wrote:
> Upon a cursory inspection of ForceGC.java, it seems that the fundamental logic involves waiting for a certain duration and relying on chance. However, I am of the opinion that utilizing the WhiteBox API can provide greater determinism and potentially strengthen some of the assertions.
>> I decided ForceGC is simpler and easier to use
> I was not aware of your specific requirements, so I cannot say for certain which approach is best. (However, it is worth noting that the WhiteBox API can be utilized to implement ForceGC if necessary.)
> /Albert

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