RFR: 8294962: Convert java.base/jdk.internal.module package to use the Classfile API to modify and write module-info.class [v4]

Alan Bateman alanb at openjdk.org
Sat Mar 11 17:03:30 UTC 2023

On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 19:30:45 GMT, Mandy Chung <mchung at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The ModulePackages attribute is optional and an optimization to avoid scanning the module contents to get the full set of packages. Tooling that creates packaged modules (jar and jmod for now) will want the ModulePackages attribute emitted always. So maybe the Classfile.buildModule methods should be looked at again, at least I think the 2-arg and 3-arg methods should emit the ModulePackages unconditionally, the 1-arg buildModule maybe not. This isn't an issue for ModuleInfoWriter of course as it is only used by tests.
> `buildModules` is expected to be called with additional packages but instead it's called with all packages including all exported and open packages.   
>     /**
>      * Build a module descriptor into a byte array.
>      * @param moduleAttribute the {@code Module} attribute
>      * @param packages additional module packages
>      * @param handler a handler that receives a {@link ClassBuilder}
>      * @return the classfile bytes
>      */
>     public static byte[] buildModule(ModuleAttribute moduleAttribute,
>                                      List<PackageDesc> packages,
>                                      Consumer<? super ClassBuilder> handler) {
> I checked the implementation that seems to match `@param packages` that expects additional module packages that are not exported nor open.  If it intends to take additional packages, it will need to filter the exported and open packages at the callsite.
> Or the `packages` parameter lists all packages that will be used to create `ModulePackages` attribute.  This seems to be easier to understand.

Maybe the variants of Classfile.buildModule need to be looked at again. For the usage here, buildModule(ModuleAttribute, Consumer<? super ClassBuilder>) would be more useful as it would allow all of the additional attributes to be emitted in the handler rather than having buildModule making the decision on whether to emit the ModulePackages attribute.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11368

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