RFR: 8304014: Convert test/jdk/java/util/zip/ZipFile/CorruptedZipFiles.java to testNG [v2]

Lance Andersen lancea at openjdk.org
Wed Mar 29 15:27:32 UTC 2023

On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 15:21:04 GMT, Lance Andersen <lancea at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> High level comment: these days we usually try to use junit 5 / jupiter instead of TestNG.
>> I think my choice of testNG here might have been influenced by other ZIP area tests using testNG. I guess a rewrite to junit should be pretty straightforward.
>> @LanceAndersen Do you have any opinion on junit/testNG for tests like this?
>> > High level comment: these days we usually try to use junit 5 / jupiter instead of TestNG.
>> I think my choice of testNG here might have been influenced by other ZIP area tests using testNG. I guess a rewrite to junit should be pretty straightforward.
>> @LanceAndersen Do you have any opinion on junit/testNG for tests like this?
> We have had some discussion about using junit vs testNG but we have not mandated it so I am OK with either but certainly if you would like to move to junit as it should be fairly straight forward for this test, I think that would be nice

> > @LanceAndersen Do you have any opinion on junit/testNG for tests like this?
> Here's a junit version for consideration:
> https://github.com/eirbjo/jdk/blob/corrupted-zip-files-ng-junit/test/jdk/java/util/zip/ZipFile/CorruptedZipFiles.java

Let's go with reviewing this version,  Thank you for the update Eirik


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12563#issuecomment-1488838303

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