The introduction of Sequenced collections is not a source compatible change
Joseph D. Darcy
joe.darcy at
Fri May 12 00:57:50 UTC 2023
PPS Various compatibility topics were covered in a talk I gave at the
JCP EC in April this year:
"Contributing to OpenJDK: Participating in stewardship for the long-term"
On 5/4/2023 9:08 PM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> PS And as a general policy, over the releases we've done more to
> preserve source compatibility when possible for language changes.
> For example, there were many source compatibility breakages when
> "assert" was added as a keyword back in JDK 1.4; the current keyword
> management policies (, including
> contextual keywords (JLS §3.9) and hyphenated-keywords, mitigate the
> impact of analogous changes today.
> -Joe
> On 5/4/2023 7:47 PM, - wrote:
>> In addition, in the CSR of sequenced collection, it already
>> anticipated some other form of source incompatibility:
>> If a class implements List and Deque at the same time, the return type
>> of reversed() must extend both interfaces as well.
>> This alone would be a greater source incompatibility than this type
>> interference already; however, both are binarily compatible:
>> Java doesn't care about generics at runtime, and for default
>> reversed() overrides, reversed ()Ljava/util/List; and reversed
>> ()Ljava/util/Deque; are distinct methods; code calling reversed via
>> List or Deque interfaces will get the reversed version of respective
>> interfaces, which are functionally correct as well.
>> I personally would consider this type inference usage moot. It is same
>> as adding another method addAll(List<String>) when there is already
>> addAll(String[]): existing addAll(null) calls will break, but this is
>> not a valid argument against adding a List<String> variant of addAll.
>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 9:38 PM Joseph D. Darcy <joe.darcy at>
>> wrote:
>>> A few comments on the general compatibility policy for the JDK.
>>> Compatibility is looked after by the Compatibility and Specification
>>> Review (CSR) process ( Compatibility & Specification Review).
>>> Summarizing the approach,
>>> The general compatibility policy for exported APIs implemented in
>>> the JDK is:
>>> * Don't break binary compatibility (as defined in the Java
>>> Language Specification) without sufficient cause.
>>> * Avoid introducing source incompatibilities.
>>> * Manage behavioral compatibility changes.
>>> None of binary, source, and behavioral compatibly are absolutes and
>>> judgement is used to assess the cost/benefits of changes. For
>>> example, strict source compatibility would preclude, say,
>>> introducing new public types in the java.lang package since the
>>> implicit import of types in java.lang could conflict with a
>>> same-named type *-imported from another package.
>>> When a proposed change is estimated to be sufficiently disruptive,
>>> we conduct a corpus experiment to evaluate the impact on the change
>>> on many public Java libraries. Back in Project Coin in JDK 7, that
>>> basic approach was used to help quantify various language design
>>> choices and the infrastructure to run such experiments has been
>>> built-out in the subsequent releases.
>>> HTH,
>>> -Joe
>>> CSR Group Lead
>>> On 5/4/2023 6:32 AM, Ethan McCue wrote:
>>> I guess this a good time to ask, ignoring the benefit part of a cost
>>> benefit analysis, what mechanisms do we have to measure the number
>>> of codebases relying on type inference this will break?
>>> Iirc Adoptium built/ran the unit tests of a bunch of public repos,
>>> but it's also a bit shocking if the jtreg suite had nothing for this.
>>> On Thu, May 4, 2023, 9:27 AM Raffaello Giulietti
>>> <raffaello.giulietti at> wrote:
>>>> Without changing the semantics at all, you could also write
>>>> final List<Collection<String>> list =
>>>> Stream.<Collection<String>>of(nestedDequeue, nestedList).toList();
>>>> to "help" type inference.
>>>> On 2023-05-03 15:12, forax at wrote:
>>>>> Another example sent to me by a fellow French guy,
>>>>> final Deque<String> nestedDequeue = new ArrayDeque<>();
>>>>> nestedDequeue.addFirst("C");
>>>>> nestedDequeue.addFirst("B");
>>>>> nestedDequeue.addFirst("A");
>>>>> final List<String> nestedList = new ArrayList<>();
>>>>> nestedList.add("D");
>>>>> nestedList.add("E");
>>>>> nestedList.add("F");
>>>>> final List<Collection<String>> list =
>>>>> Stream.of(nestedDequeue, nestedList).toList();
>>>>> This one is cool because no 'var' is involved and using
>>>>> collect(Collectors.toList()) instead of toList() solves the
>>>>> inference problem.
>>>>> Rémi
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Stuart Marks" <stuart.marks at>
>>>>>> To: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
>>>>>> Cc: "core-libs-dev" <core-libs-dev at>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 2:44:28 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: The introduction of Sequenced collections is not a
>>>>>> source compatible change
>>>>>> Hi Rémi,
>>>>>> Thanks for trying out the latest build!
>>>>>> I'll make sure this gets mentioned in the release note for Sequenced
>>>>>> Collections.
>>>>>> We'll also raise this issue when we talk about this feature in
>>>>>> the Quality
>>>>>> Outreach
>>>>>> program.
>>>>>> s'marks
>>>>>> On 4/29/23 3:46 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
>>>>>>> I've several repositories that now fails to compile with the
>>>>>>> latest jdk21, which
>>>>>>> introduces sequence collections.
>>>>>>> The introduction of a common supertype to existing collections
>>>>>>> is *not* a source
>>>>>>> compatible change because of type inference.
>>>>>>> Here is a simplified example:
>>>>>>> public static void m(List<Supplier<? extends Map<String,
>>>>>>> String>>> factories) {
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>>>>> Supplier<LinkedHashMap<String,String>> supplier1 =
>>>>>>> LinkedHashMap::new;
>>>>>>> Supplier<SortedMap<String,String>> supplier2 = TreeMap::new;
>>>>>>> var factories = List.of(supplier1, supplier2);
>>>>>>> m(factories);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> This example compiles fine with Java 20 but report an error with
>>>>>>> Java 21:
>>>>>>> error: method m in class
>>>>>>> SequencedCollectionBug
>>>>>>> cannot be applied to given types;
>>>>>>> m(factories);
>>>>>>> ^
>>>>>>> required: List<Supplier<? extends Map<String,String>>>
>>>>>>> found: List<Supplier<? extends
>>>>>>> SequencedMap<String,String>>>
>>>>>>> reason: argument mismatch; List<Supplier<? extends
>>>>>>> SequencedMap<String,String>>>
>>>>>>> cannot be converted to List<Supplier<? extends
>>>>>>> Map<String,String>>>
>>>>>>> Apart from the example above, most of the failures I see are in
>>>>>>> the unit tests
>>>>>>> provided to the students, because we are using a lot of 'var' in
>>>>>>> them so they
>>>>>>> work whatever the name of the types chosen by the students.
>>>>>>> Discussing with a colleague, we also believe that this bug is
>>>>>>> not limited to
>>>>>>> Java, existing Kotlin codes will also fail to compile due to
>>>>>>> this bug.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Rémi
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