Provide thread-safe and concurrent sequenced collections with insertion order?
Sebastian Fischer
mail at
Fri Nov 10 11:26:15 UTC 2023
Hi Stuart.
Thanks, I understand now how the limited thread safety of "synchronized"
wrappers has led to not adding new ones.
My use case is an LRU-cache that is accessed by a large number of (virtual)
In my initial implementation I constructed a LinkedHashMap passing true for
the accessOrder parameter, implemented removeEldestEntry appropriately and
then wrapped it using Collections.sequencedMap. Thanks to this interface, I
did not need a specialized wrapper supporting putLast or pollFirstEntry to
manage the capacity myself. So, wrapping a LinkedHashMap seemed like a
viable approach at first.
But, the map is being used by many threads, and a synchronized wrapper is
governed by a single exclusion lock. I improved throughput using a
concurrent map supporting concurrent reads and (some) writes. Here is a
simplified example using a sequenced collection instead of a map.
public record RecentlyAccessed<T>(int capacity, SequencedCollection<T>
elements) {
public RecentlyAccessed(int capacity) {
this(capacity, new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>());
public void add(T elem) {
while (capacity < elements.size()) {
As the add method is not synchronized, the real capacity might deviate from
the intended capacity. Additionally, ConcurrentLinkedDeque can contain
duplicate elements. I could implement repositioning by removing all
occurrences of elem before calling addLast but that would introduce an
intermediate state where elem is not present (even if it was present
before) due to the lack of synchronization.
In my current implementation of the cache I use a ConcurrentHashMap with an
additional ConcurrentLinkedDeque holding keys in access order telling me
which entries to remove from the map. But this approach is not really
thread-safe due to missing synchronization and incorrect due to duplicate
keys in the deque.
I was hoping to use a ConcurrentLinkedHashSet (or really
ConcurrentLinkedHashMap, but both seem useful), where repositioning would
presumably be implemented in a thread-safe way. Ideally, the option to
override removeEldestEntry would allow it to also maintain the intended
capacity in a thread-safe way.
I'm not familiar enough with the implementation of concurrent collections
to judge whether my hope is justified. But essentially, my use case would
be an LRU-cache that does not use a single exclusion lock to improve
concurrent access by a large number of (virtual) threads.
On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 1:03 AM Stuart Marks <stuart.marks at>
> Hi Sebastian,
> Regarding the lack of "synchronized" wrappers for Sequenced Collections:
> the main
> issue is that they provide only a limited sense of "thread safety" and as
> such don't
> add much actual value. Specifically, the synchronized wrappers hold a lock
> only
> around invocations of individual methods. This omits a large class of
> common,
> compound operations on collections, such as check-then-act operations and
> bulk
> operations that involve iteration or streaming. These operations aren't
> thread-safe
> with synchronized wrappers. To perform these operations safely from
> multiple
> threads, the client needs to do its own locking around the compound
> operation. This
> mostly defeats the purpose of the synchronized wrappers.
> If you need to use something like LinkedHashMap/LinkedHashSet from
> multiple threads,
> my recommendation is to write your own class that exposes exactly the set
> of
> operations you need and that does proper locking for those operations. It
> can then
> delegate the appropriate operations to an internal collection.
> Regarding concurrent collections: these are mainly intended for operations
> to
> proceed concurrently on different parts of the collection, such as
> updating
> different mappings in a ConcurrentHashMap simultaneously, or having
> producers/consumers operating on different ends of a Queue. I note that
> historically, the concurrent collections haven't included concurrent
> versions of
> LinkedHashSet/Map or general-purpose List implementations. (There is
> CopyOnWriteArrayList/Set, but they're highly specialized and can be
> prohibitively
> expensive for use cases that involve a lot of updates.)
> While it looks like things are missing from the concurrent collections,
> I'd have to
> ask what use cases would be satisfied by adding something like a
> "concurrent
> sequenced set" (or map) that wouldn't be fulfilled with a customized
> wrapper around
> LinkedHashSet/Map.
> s'marks
> On 11/2/23 4:56 AM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I am new to this list so might have missed previous discussion about
> this but
> > could not find what I was looking for in the archives.
> >
> > The Sequenced collections JEP adds the following static methods to
> > java.util.Collections.
> >
> > - unmodifiableSequencedCollection
> > - unmodifiableSequencedSet
> > - unmodifiableSequencedMap
> >
> > However, the set of static methods returning thread-safe versions of
> their
> > arguments (like synchronizedCollection, synchronizedSet, and
> synchronizedMap) has
> > not been extended.
> >
> > As a consequence, I don't see a straightforward way to create
> thread-safe
> > sequenced sets or maps where encounter-order corresponds to insertion
> order (like
> > LinkedHashSet or LinkedHashMap) and access them as SequencedSet or
> SequencedMap.
> >
> > When using the available methods mentioned above, the result is not a
> sequenced type.
> >
> > For predefined sets and maps where encounter order corresponds to
> natural order,
> > there are the following methods in java.util.Collections.
> >
> > - synchronizedNavigableSet
> > - synchronizedNavigableMap
> > - synchronizedSortedSet
> > - synchronizedSortedMap
> >
> > However, these methods cannot be used with LinkedHashSet or
> LinkedHashMap.
> >
> > The following methods would be useful in order to create thread-safe
> sequenced
> > collections where encounter order is insertion order, but they are
> currently not
> > provided.
> >
> > - synchronizedSequencedCollection
> > - synchronizedSequencedSet
> > - synchronizedSequencedMap
> >
> > What are the reasons for or against adding these methods?
> >
> > There are also no implementations of concurrent sequenced sets and maps
> where
> > encounter order is insertion order in java.util.concurrent. All of the
> provided
> > concurrent sequenced sets and maps are based on natural order, and
> consequently do
> > not support addFirst, and so on.
> >
> > Are there plans to add concurrent sequenced collections that support the
> whole
> > interface of sequenced collections?
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Sebastian
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