Request for JCK17 tests exclusion

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Thu Oct 19 21:35:49 UTC 2023

Hi Ramdas,

On a side note, please do not forward or copy e-mails from the 
conformance-octla-private mailing list to other OpenJDK mailing lists, 
since they may contain confidential information.

Instead, please start a fresh thread in the future describing the 
specific concerns with specific functionality in the OpenJDK source code.

dalibor topic

On 18.10.2023 19:47, Nandagiri, Ramadasu (NSDi) wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Thanks for your response and the suggestion. I have copied, net-dev on 
> my original mail. I will wait for a response from net-dev group.
> Regards,
> Ramdas
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 18, 2023 8:51 PM
> *To:* Nandagiri, Ramadasu (NSDi) <ramadasu.nandagiri at>; 
> net-dev at <net-dev at>; core-libs-dev at 
> <core-libs-dev at>
> *Cc:* Bhat, Suma Mudakare Bheema (NSDi) <suma.mud.bhat at>; Gragg, 
> Jeffrey <jeff.gragg at>
> *Subject:* Re: Request for JCK17 tests exclusion
> On 18/10/2023 15:55, Nandagiri, Ramadasu (NSDi) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please see the discussion in the following mails. One of the TCK test 
>> cases, api/java_net/MulticastSocket/ClassLevel.html is failing on 
>> NonStop platform as NonStop doesn't support IP_MULTICAST_ALL option.
>> We would like this test case to be excluded from TCK. Please share 
>> your thoughts on this request.
> I realize you have been directed here but this is not the right place to 
> discuss TCK exclusion requests.
>  From the mails you forwarded then it looks like there are issues with 
> the multicast support in your port to NonStop. The IP_MULTICAST_ALL 
> socket option you mention is used in the Linux port to avoid 
> interference when two sockets are bound to the same port but joined to 
> different multicast groups. Linux is an outlier in this scenario so the 
> socket option is set to prevent the interference. My guess is that few 
> people here will know NonStop but you could being porting questions on 
> this code to net-dev.
> -Alan

<> Dalibor Topic
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