Should we actually make Connection a TemplateProcessor?

Jim Laskey james.laskey at
Fri Sep 15 15:00:11 UTC 2023

I’ve been tinkering with just such an implementation. Here are a few issues that I’m sussing out:

- compound templates (partial templates)
- identifier vs string
- lists of identifiers, strings and values
      - list separators (comma, or, and)
- lack of meta data for some platforms
- odd ball data types (blobs)

There are others but these are the ones I’m starting with. There are lots of options to play with; format specification, DSL, new data types.

I’ll be looking for input from the experts leading to a JEP at some point, but haven’t worked out the forum as yet. Stay tuned.


— Jim


On Sep 15, 2023, at 11:31 AM, Ethan McCue <ethan at> wrote:


The reason I think this isn't an obvious yes and ask that last question is this.

Say this is some user's code.
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