compatibility impact of JDK-8325621 (Improve jspawnhelper version checks)

Man Cao manc at
Wed Aug 14 02:24:24 UTC 2024


In addition to Liam's point, I'd like to point out:

1. The version check in jspawnhelper is for the full JDK version. This
means any future in-place JDK update could trigger this problem for
long-running applications.
2. Typical Linux package managers (e.g. apt, yum) seem to update the JDK
package in place by default. We run into this problem with updates from
"apt install" internally.  Admittedly, I have not tested if updating
Debian's openjdk-21-jre-headless from 17.0.12 to 17.0.13, or from 21.0.3 to
21.0.4 would trigger the same issue, but it likely will.

This could be a widespread problem for future JDK updates on Linux distros.
Perhaps we should also raise this concern to jdk-updates-dev at

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